Healthy Living

5 Ways to Stay on Track this Summer

Summer used to TERRIFY me. 

Bikini season, shorts weather -- all things that would literally make my skin crawl because HELL NO would you ever catch me in either of those. I was ashamed of my body, would cover up my arms with sweaters despite the heat and used to go swimming in a t-shirt because at least then my stomach wouldn't show. I was the girl who would go shopping for summer clothes with my Mom (ugh, bathing suits were the WORST) and have breakdowns in the changing room because I couldn't fit into anything and felt gross.

You too? 

It's a feeling that followed me around for so long that even now that I feel confident in my own skin, once summer starts to hit, my stomach drops. Those feelings come rushing back and my mind goes to: "Ok, Amanda, how can you get bikini ready?" .... AS IF THAT'S A THING. 

According to the media, the only way to be "bikini ready" is to have six pack abs & be tanned. Well, I fit into neither of those categories (I wear sunscreen like it's my JOB so this gal is pretty pasty and proud of it!) and I would say just the nature alone of me wearing a bikini makes me bikini I digress. And I'm getting away from my point as I tend to do (ha! you love my rambles, don't deny it). So I'll hop back on track...

Summer. The season of weddings, bbqs, roadtrips, traveling, outdoor festivals, patio living and pretty much all the amazing things ever -- all the things which also make it SUPER hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Now don't get me wrong, I am ALL about indulging in a glass on sangria, an Oberon on the porch and chocolate wedding cake, because LIVE YOUR LIFE, am I right? But ultimately, my goal is to FEEL AMAZING and when I start drinking more often and eating less healthy options, I start to feel like shit.

So I made a list of ways to help myself stay on track this summer, despite the many crazy events and traveling that I'll be doing and you KNOW I'm allll about sharing, so I figured I'd share my tips with you! Hopefully it'll help you stay on track with your goals :)


5 Ways to Stay on Track this Summer

1. Stay Hydrated

With the heat in the summer months, it's more important than EVER to keep your body hydrated. You're losing more water than you normally do (yup, that's what sweating does!) so you should be upping your water intake to make up for it. General rule of thumb? At LEAST 8 glasses of water a day. A lot of the time, I find that my body is really just needing water but I mistake that for needing food -- up your hydration level and it'll be easier to stay on track with your daily food intake, your skin will clear up and you'll feel more energized!

Tired of boring old water? Infuse it with fruit and herbs! My personal favorite combination at the moment is grapefruit and mint! I also am obsessed with La Croix sparkling water -- try the Coconut one ;) 

2. Walk everywhere

It's finally NICE out and girl, unless there's a heat warning, you have no excuse not to get your booty outside and WALK! Even if you don't live in a bustling city where it's easy to get places by foot, make it a priority to get at least a 30 minute walk in every day. Maybe grab your favorite podcast and incorporate it into your morning me time or take a stroll with your hubby after dinner and catch up on your days. 

Get those steps in, girl! And soak up the gorgeous summer days while you can!

3. Be a Perfect Guest

You know all those BBQs and family dinners where you feel like you show up, are planning to stay on track and WHOOPS, no healthy choices? Chances are, the host isn't thinking about you while they're building their menu and why should they?! Hot dogs and hamburgers are easy to feed a bunch of people and they're already going out of their way! SO, be a good guest and offer to bring something -- most people will be so grateful for the help and BONUS, you can choose to make something that you are happy to eat :) Make a big ol' salad, bring a veggie tray, whatever! 

4. Set yourself up for Success

I know traveling can be the TOUGHEST thing to deal with because sometimes we have no control over things but can we do our best? Hell yes! Here are some of my favorite go-tos...

For roadtrips: Pack a bunch of healthy snacks to munch on and PRE PLAN where you'll be stopping for lunch. Check out the menu and make sure there's an option that you are happy with.

For traveling in general: Go to the grocery store and pick up some healthy options to have on hand -- fresh fruit, carrot sticks, bars, raw almonds (that way, you can fill up on healthy options and keep your veggie and fruit intake strong!)

5. Have FUN!

Summer is FILLED with possibilities and ways to be active. So go on that hike you've been wanting to do. Dance your butt off at every single wedding you're at. Bike to and from the festivals you're checking out. Go throw a frisbee in the park. Don't just lay on your towel at the beach -- go swimming, build a sandcastle, play chicken with your friends --- whatever!

ENJOY yourself and live your life, girl. And remember, you are gorgeous, just the way you are. 

You are soooo loved,

Xo Amanda

From Insecure to Scary Skinny to Strong & Happy

If there's one thing I've learned on my health & fitness journey, it's THIS:

Focus on how you want to FEEL, not how you want to LOOK.

When I started out on my path to a healthy lifestyle, I wanted results FAST. I was a size 10, felt perpetually sluggish and I kept thinking: "If I could just be skinny, then I would be happy." So I started a quick fix slim down program (you can read more about my thoughts on Quick fixes HERE) & I became a cardio junkie, started counting my calories (pretty sure I spent more time on that calorie counting app than I did texting my friends), deemed any type of carb completely off limits and my entire day/ emotional energy revolved around my 2 hour long workouts & figuring out what I could eat with my limited meal choices.

In about a month, I started seeing weight come off faster than I ever have (little did I know at the time that it was because my body wasn't at all getting what it needed to function!) I felt "good" that I was seeing changes, but my energy was at an all time low and I didn't have much of a life outside of my fitness world because it took up so much of my freaking time.  Between working out for at least an hour and a half every single day, taking two showers because I would get two workouts in and then drinking copious amounts of water to curb my grumbling tummy and running to the bathroom every half hour, I didn't have time to enjoy my life. Plain and simple, I was not happy.

Fast forward to a year later -- I had gained all that weight back, and then some. The summer of 2013 was the worst summer of my life. You know when you are SO overwhelmed with life that all you can do is cry and eat your feelings? Well, that pretty much summed up my summer. I literally would spend every day crying. I felt worthless and I didn't recognize the person that was in front of me. And, since I still had such a negative relationship with food, I resorted to eating everything and anything in front of me because that was the only thing that "made me feel better". Pints of Ben & Jerrys half baked, a pan of brownies, a bag of peanut m&ms, an entire bag of Target trail mix -- you name it, I ate it.

But with the help of my now husband Kevan, I got help. I started seeing a therapist and I slowly but surely came out of the deep dark hole I had been living in. I started working out again, and this time, I knew I had to come at it from a different approach. I never wanted to feel like that weak girl again - I needed to feel strong

The past six months, I have learned SO much about how to not only feel confident in my own skin and look the way I always wanted, but how to FEEL AMAZING from the inside out. I've learned to Love my Body. And through my journey with becoming a Beachbody coach, I've gained so much freedom

Freedom to make choices that LIBERATE me instead of LIMIT me.

Freedom to eat so many incredible foods (carbs included) and knowing that indulging is okay!

Freedom to become the strong, beautiful woman I always knew was inside of me.

Do you ever feel like...

  • You are tired, sluggish, and drained.
  • You’re uncomfortable in your own skin.
  • You struggle with consistency and having a routine.
  • You’re sick of depriving yourself of food for results.
  • You’re done feeling guilty for that extra glass of wine on girls’ nights, or that beer watching football with your man, or that juicy steak you want! 
  • You’ve hit a plateau in your fitness journey and need an extra push. 
  • You’re frustrated with what the number on the scale is telling you.
  • You are ready to LOVE your body instead of being ashamed of it, but don't know where to begin.
  • You want to be supported by a group of like minded women that just "get" who you are?

And you want to...

  • Feel confident and comfortable in your own skin
  • Make healthy living a FUN adventure
  • Find FREEDOM from restrictive diets that cause you anxiety and make you feel deprived

Then girl, you are just like me and holy balls, you were meant to read this. And guess what? I created this experience just for YOU so that we can share in this journey together :)



  • Group + individual online accountability in our private Facebook community to share your journey with ladies on the same path!

  • A community of badass, supportive women who will become some of your bestest friends.

  • Daily check ins with ME as your coach. I'll be there for you to help keep you feel inspired and motivated!

  • A resource vault with recipe e-books, meal planning strategies, and all the information you need to feel successful and prepared.

  • A real food nutrition plan and workout strategy that’s customized to fit YOU. Whether you’re a single girl in the city, a busy working mom, want to lose a few holiday lbs, get over your sugar addiction, or just feel great in your skin -- I've gotchu girl.

  • 30 all-natural superfood shakes to cover all your nutritional needs, give you energy, and help curb cravings.

  • A membership with Beachbody On Demand. Aka Netflix for workouts -- it's AMAZEBALLS, and you don't have to leave your house to get an amazing group fitness workout, right in your living room!

  • Lifetime access to me as your coach, because girl, once you're in, you're in FOR LIIIIFE.


Beautiful girl, it's time to invest in YOURSELF. 

To put yourself first & find your HAPPY. If you choose to join me, I will be your LADY FOR LIFE. Changes don't happen overnight (and I'm the first to admit that!), but TOGETHER, I promise you will get to feeling like the confident, strong and GORGEOUS GAL you crave to be.

Are you excited? Nervous? WITH ME? Because I am here with you, every single step of the way. I’ll not only be participating in this Challenge right along-side you, but I will be your one on one personal coach, encouraging, guiding you and constantly reminding you that you are worthy of your dreams.

I know it's scary to make a change. And the first step is always the hardest. But I promise you that it is worth it. YOU ARE WORTH IT. 

I believe in you -- now it's time for you to believe in YOU too, lady love.

After you submit your application, I'll be in touch with ya via email to chat about your goals, make sure that I'm the right gal for you to help you on your journey & create a bangin' plan that meets your needs! No upfront commitment expected at all ;)

I cannot freaking wait to get to know you!

Xo Amanda

Quick Fixes Don't Work: How I Learned the Hard Way

I can't tell you how many times I've heard...


"What's the diet I can go on to lose 10 lbs before my vacation next week?"


"I ate like shit this weekend. I definitely am going to start that juice cleanse tomorrow! That's the best way to balance things out, right?"


"If I get two hours of cardio in today, that'll cancel out the pint of Ben & Jerrys ice cream I just ate, right?"


People can get so wrapped up in how to get results TOMORROW and want to find the easiest path there, that they resort to slim downs, cleanses & diet pills. And as a gal who has been there and tried that, let me tell you that IT DOESN'T WORK. (If you want to read more about My Story, click HERE)

Sure, we'll probably go down a few pounds on the scale, but do you maintain the weight loss? Do you stick to the workout schedule? Has this transformed your life and you're the happiest you've ever been?

If you're anything like me, the answer is NO.

Most of us go back to the same patterns as before, and lose all of the "progress" we've made. And sometimes (yuppp I was there too) we fool ourselves into doing that quick fix again because it "worked".


But here's the thing, Quick fixes don't work because they are just that ... a quick fix.


They are a bandaid.

They don't fix the underlying problem:

our often distorted and unhealthy mindsets around food and exercise.

4 Things Diets Do:



When was the last time you heard someone on a diet say: "Man, I LOVE being on this diet! Counting Calories and being hungry all the time is the best!" Probably never. Because it SUCKS. I know so many women (myself included!) who have attempted the quick fix through various means and the one thing I continue to hear throughout the process and after they've finished is how unhappy it's made them. And isn't the whole point for focusing on fitness and healthy living to be HAPPY?! 


By temporarily restricting food, the levels of stress in our brains increase, which sets off insane cravings and can lead us to binge. Ever done a slim down and then as soon as you were done feel the need to eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING in sight? I've been there, and let me tell you, it's not pretty and it makes you feel like SHIT.


As soon as your body senses deprivation, it responds by going into self-preservation mode - aka your metabolism slows down, making it actually HARDER to lose weight. 


While a quick fix might jumpstart your health and fitness journey, it's unlikely to be something that you can (or should!) follow for longer chunks of time. When you cut a whole food group out of your diet -- take carbohydrates for example -- your body will eventually become deficient in all the nutrients and benefits provided by that macro-nutrient, which can eventually lead to further health problems. A healthy eating plan includes ALL the macro and micro nutrients that your body needs to SHINE!

Taking the time to really listen to your body and really figuring out what works for YOU (because we are all different!) is the best way to move towards a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life.




Starting tomorrow, make one small change in your diet or exercise routine. See if you can sustain it for a week. 

If so, make another small change in your diet or exercise routine. See if you can sustain both for a week. Repeat over and over and over again until the changes become habits.

It’s not a sexy process, I know.

But it works. Time and time again.

And if you need the accountability, come hangout with me and the other amazeballs women in our Live Your F*ck YES Life Community! 


Have you ever tried a quick fix diet or exercise program? Did it help you move forward towards your health and fitness goals or did it create further issues in your journey to healthy living? 

I’d love to hear your experience in the comments below!

How I Lost 5 Pounds in One Month By Out-Eating My Husband

For the past month, I have been consistently out-eating my husband. My plate always has more food on it than his, and while he can't finish what's on his, you can bet your ass that I am licking my plate clean. Kev, my husband, looks at me with a face of complete shock because not only is he seeing me eating all of this food (wayyyy more than I normally would be eating on a day to day basis), he is also seeing my clothes getting looser on me.

Wanna know why he's so shocked?

Because here's a girl who, up until very recently, wouldn't eat carbs for dinner unless it was a 'special occasion'. A girl who consistently was eating about HALF of what was on his plate for dinner. A girl who thought that by eating LESS, she would FEEL better. Look better. That restricting my diet would be the KEY to getting toned, losing weight...being healthy.

Boy was I wrong. In the past month, I have been eating more on a day to day basis than I have in years and for the first time since I can remember, I finally not only LOOK the way that I've always wanted to look, but I FEEL energized, strong and -- shocker! -- FULL. 

By upping my food consumption & working out less, I was able to lose 5 pounds and 11 inches in just ONE MONTH, all the while never feeling hungry. And not just that, but I finally feel like I have found something that I can STICK WITH. A lifestyle that is SUSTAINABLE. 

I owe all of this to the 21 Day Fix. This program has changed my life. Has made me understand how to properly FUEL my body. 

Was I killing myself every day at the gym for hours on end?

NO. I worked out for no more than 30 minutes every day. That's it.

Was I not having ANY alcohol or treats?

NO. I definitely limited my alcohol and treat consumption but there are treats and wine built into the nutrition plan!

Was your food really boring?

HELL NO. You guys, I freaking love food. Good food. Tasty food. And I am ALL about cooking up a storm in the kitchen. That was my favorite thing about this program -- the options are ENDLESS! Check it out...

A Typical Food Day 


Now obviously this is just an example of the meals that I eat on a typical day now -- I like to keep my options varied, and what I love so much about this plan is that it's EASY to keep things fresh!

Breakfast: Cooked oats, a granny smith apple, 1 tsp peanut butter, cinnamon

Snack: Shakeology special ;) Message me for the recipe! It's HEAVEN.

Lunch: Asian marinated tofu with sauteed broccoli

Snack: Carrots, tuna and hummus

Dinner: Steak, Potato and Artichoke hash and green beans


And Guess what...It Worked.


And here are the pictures to prove it. 21 Days apart -- Before and Now.

I am so grateful that I took the leap of faith, invested in Myself and tried this program. It has made me finally FEEL the way I've always wanted to.

Strong. Confident. In Control. 

And I want to help YOU feel that way too. To finally lose those last pesky 5 pounds. To have a healthy relationship with food. To not spend your days counting down until the next meal because you're so hungry. 

Want IN?

CLICK HERE to sign up for my next Challenge, break free of the yo yo diet cycle of death and finally live the life you've always dreamed of! 

Xo Amanda

A Control Freak's Path to Intuitive Eating

I first heard of the term Intuitive Eating when I was listening to a podcast a couple of years ago. I don't remember which one it was but I remember thinking...da fuck?  What the hell is this. This was a concept I had never heard of -- I mean, I knew what intuition was and obviously knew what eating was but this was such a foreign concept to me...Eating Intuitively. 

Anyone thinking the same thing? If you're answer is, nah, Amanda, I've been practicing intuitive eating for years then let me take this opportunity to give you the biggest air high five. For real, congrats, dude. I am so proud of you for getting there because, coming from someone who it's taken years to finally "get it", it takes a lot of hard work. 

But if your answer is more like "uh....girl....what does eating and intuition have anything to do with each other", this post is for you. And trust me, girl, I was right there with ya. 

From my understanding (and guys, I'm not a professional here, this is just my personal take on all of this), the practice of Intuitive Eating is essentially listening to your body/your inner knowing and fuel yourself with food based on what your body needs, not thinks it needs. We're all born as natural intuitive eaters. Kids grow up, listening to their bodies when it tells them they're full or hungry. But somewhere along the way, many of us lose this innate knowledge. I know I did. And if you're anything like me, you probably did too. 

I'm about to share something super personal. Something I have never really shared before and, to be honest, am currently squirming in my chair trying to think about just the prospect of putting these words out there to the universe. But I believe so strongly that being true to ourselves is one of if not the most important thing we can do for ourselves and man, when it comes down to it, sharing is caring, right? So here goes.


Ever since the end of high school, I have struggled with a negative relationship with food.

I never had or felt I had an outright 'problem', whatever the hell that means anyways, but food always seemed to be on my mind. Whether I was having a bad day and felt that the only form of self medication was to have an entire bag of m&ms in one sitting because "I deserved it" OR when I obsessively counted my calories & labeled foods like carbohydrates, dairy and sweets as BAD and completely OFF LIMITS. I thought this was how life had to be. A bunch of my friends operated that way. Magazine articles and social media would tell me what foods to stay away from & that the best way to get over a bad day was to stuff your face with as many sweets as physically possible. I didn't know any different. And yes, a large part of it stems from my need to feel constantly in control, my perfectionist tendencies and just generally feeling not good enough (more on that at a later date), but when it comes down to it, I thought it was normal. That this was just what life would be forever. And four years ago, this all came to a head.

So here I am. The picture on the left was in 2012 & the picture on the right, a year later, in 2013. Here's the thing, I am not proud of EITHER of these pictures because the girl in both of them is unhappy & lost. To some of you, I may appear to be healthy in one (or both!) of these pictures, but let me tell you, the girl you see here is a girl I hope to never see again.

The 2012 Me:

I was in college, and trying to figure out who the hell I was and who I wanted to be. I went through a big heartbreak when I first got to school and I went from eating more than I should just because I was bored to eating food because it made me feel better. Less sad. And I thought that food was the answer. That it would fill me up (literally, and figuratively). Did it make me feel better? Well, it made me sick. I would eat until way after I felt full because I thought I needed it. I thought it was the only answer. And this became a crux. A habit that I couldn't seem to break. And I felt so OUT OF CONTROL on this aspect of my life. From the outside, I looked like I had all of my shit together, but in reality, I was super unhappy.

The 2013: 

Fast forward to a year later. I had decided to take my life back. To get control over what I was putting in my body FOR GOOD. So I took things to the next extreme and man oh man did my perfectionist, ENTJ personality type need for structure and control cause me to take things too far. I LOVE following plans and "sticking to my goals"I started working out twice a day. I counted calories and I completely eliminated carbs, sweets and dairy from my diet. And okay yeah, did I lose weight? I lost 27 pounds in the span of a year. But was I happy? Everything I thought I could get when I was 'skinny', I didn't get. If anything, my mental spirit got so much worse. I would feel shame and disgust when I "fell off the wagon" because I went out for a burger with my friends. And I was constantly hungry, eating brussel sprouts for dinner because I thought that was what it took to be healthy. 

The summer of 2013, I went through what I like to call The Dark Days. I had a really rough few months and I resorted to my feel better habits. You can read more about My Story but after finally seeing the light, I decided to focus on my Mental health. 


A couple of months ago, I tried the 21 Day Fix and after reading about and hearing about Intuitive Eating, it finally really clicked. It gave me a true foundation for understanding proper portion control and how to maintain a true balance with my daily food intake. And it has given me the tools to live a balanced life -- I am finally practicing the 80/20 rule that I have preached for so long. For the first time in my adult life, I feel FREE. And it is truly my deepest wish that everyone can get to this place. That's why I have become SO passionate about helping other women to believe in themselves and achieve a healthy relationship with food. That's why I became a coach. And these amazing women that are a part of my community inspire ME on the daily to stay true to myself. They encourage me just as much as I do them. 

So...where am I now?

Am I the skinniest I've ever been? Do I have a killer six pack? Nope & nope. But am I the happiest & healthiest -- body, mind and soul -- that I've ever been in my life? You can bet your ass that I am. 

I've stopped counting calories & weighing myself altogether. Yup, scale in the garbage.

I love me some chocolate, but I eat it in moderation because I know it makes my tummy angry.

I take cues from what my body is telling me I need, and I listen.

I don't feel guilty if I indulge on date night or have one too many cocktails when I'm hanging out with my girlfriends. 

I no longer view my eating habits as a competition with others. I just do what works best for me.

I know that moderation is what works best for me so instead of binging on the weekends or being overly controlling with my food, I allow myself treats throughout the week.

I am free.

How to Practice Intuitive Eating

+ Be Patient With Yourself. 

This is NOT something that will happen overnight. I have been on this journey for two freaking years guys, and I'm finally just starting to get to a place where I feel like it's becoming a true part of my daily life. It takes time, practice and dedication but I promise you it is so worth it when you start to see the light on the other side.

+ Respect and Trust your Body

By honoring your hunger and creating a peaceful relationship with food, you're building a basis of self-trust within yourself. 

+ Look beyond the Surface

What are you going through internally? What part of yourself do you need to work on // is the root cause that is triggering your negative relationship with food? Once you address these things, and work on your mental blocks, your relationship with food will progress naturally.

+ Find Support!

I would have never been able to get to where I am by myself. If it weren't for the amazing community of women that I am a part of, constantly encouraging me through my struggles and helping me celebrate my successes, I would not be where I am today.

Sometimes we just need someone to talk to -- know that I am always here for you and that you can Email me at any time. :)


You have it inside of you & hot damn, You are Worth It.


All the Love & Light in the World,


My Venture into Natural Beauty Products

If you've been an avid blog reader of mine, you know how important my health is to me. I spent so many years of early adulthood not truly understanding what it meant to be healthy. What foods (and how much of those foods) I should be consuming. I seriously thought that carbs were evil. Not allowed. That cardio was the most effective form of exercise and that I should be doing it every single day. I didn't know. I read all of these articles from countless magazines searching for that "magic cure" to get my thighs not to touch, to get that six pack that I'd always thought was the definition of being "fit". You can read more about My Story but, ultimately, when it came down to it, it took me really listening to my body and trying out various programs before I really knew what my body needed. 

And because of programs like the 21 Day Fix, I now can truly say that for the first time in my adult life, my relationship to food is healthy. That I am properly fueling my body with the right kinds of foods. That my cravings have completely disappeared. That I don't feel the need to step on the scale every single day and see if it's moved. That I am never, ever hungry (which, for those of you who know me intimately know how much of a WIN that is for me). And I am the most fit I have ever been in my life, and hell noooo do I have a six pack. Can I do a shit ton of burpees and swing some heavy ass kettle bells? You bet your ass I can. So in terms of internal health, I am finally starting to figure this shit out. And I am happier and more full of energy than I have ever been.

But what I was realizing was that I wasn't giving the same amount of love to myself on the outside. What do I mean by that? I mean my skin. The skin is the body's largest organ and absorbs what you put into it. Why did I never realize how important it is to know what's inside the products I use? Being aware of what of what ingredients were in my creams, my shampoos, my deodorant, my face wash...everything! I had no stinking' clue. Nobody had ever said, 'hey, you probably don't want to be using that cream. It has a buuuunch of ingredients in there that are super toxic.' -- I'd been using Herbal Essences shampoos and dove deodorant my entire life and it didn't kill me, right? What's the big deal? 

Well, here's the thing. It is a big deal. And as it turns out, I have been putting awful toxins in my body without even being aware of it for my entire life.

I found out a few years back that I could have the cancer gene. The only reason I don't know the answer to that? Well, I'm scared shitless to find out. I mean, if you could take a blood test that would tell you if you had a 75% greater likelihood of developing cancer by the time you're 60, wouldn't you be terrified to find out? Because once you know, you know. And I imagine that it would start to feel like a ticking time bomb, slowly eating away at you...your thoughts just waiting for the cancer to show it's nasty face. Am I going to get tested? Yes. Hopefully, this year actually. (Stay tuned for that) The way I see it, I'd rather know so that I can do everything in my power to prevent it than be constantly sitting in the dark. But, in the meantime, I decided to start actively using skin and beauty products that are toxin free. I'm not 100% perfect about the -- I still am working to find a shampoo that I like that doesn't leave my hair feeling perpetually greasy. 

But these products are some of the BEST I've discovered and best of all? All natural, all safe ingredients. 

** I am in no way affiliated with LUSH, I just happen to LOOOVE their products**


The Dream Cream from LUSH

This cream is seriously the best thing I have ever invested in. The entire pot is $27.95 and it usually lasts me anywhere from 4-6 months. I grew up with seriously awful eczema on my hands, and perpetually dry skin. I tried every cream you could possibly find at the drugstore, even prescription creams from my doctor and nothing worked. The Dream Cream made my skin completely clear, smooth and soft. And it has continued to do so for the past two years. Main ingredients are oat milk, lavender, chamomile and olive oil. 

Do yourself a favor and buy this. It's a lifesaver. 

Ultrabland from LUSH

I hate washing my face. I have really dry skin and I just have never been able to find a cleanser that makes my skin feel fresh & clean but also moisturized. Enter Ultrabland from LUSH. Now I will say that this is a more recent addition to my daily regiment, but holy wow do I love this stuff. It leaves my skin feeling refreshed and my dry spots are gone. Main ingredients are almond oil, rose water, honey and beeswax. 

All Natural Soap

So this should have been a no brainer for me but for some reason it really wasn't something I started doing until I came across this bar of soap in this little store in the middle of nowhere Michigan. I read the ingredients and I was like "ahhh I understand all of these!" And there are so many stores around nowadays that carry stuff like this. So find a scent you love and go to town!

Tom's Deodorant

Tom's is one of the few brands I've found that is all natural, aluminum free AND affordable. A stick is $4.99 and they now have a bunch of different scents -- my favorite is the lavender. It took a week or so for my body to adjust to not having all of the extra crap in my previous deodorant and I was a bit smellier for it, but after that, I apply it in the morning after my showers and I'm good to go.

Mask of Magnaminty from LUSH

I have lately been ALL about Face masks. Seriously, don't know how I lived without them. Never going back. And the Mask of Magnaminty is my all-time favourite. The small pot ($13.95) is really all you need if you're only doing it once a week or so. And it smells just like mint chocolate chip ice cream -- WIN. Just don't eat it. Trust me, I tried it. Not the best decision. Main ingredients: Kaolin, honey, peppermint.


All of this is to say, do your research & know what you're putting on your body. Read the ingredients of the things you use every day and make sure that you're being safe! You'd be surprised. Click here for an excellent article on the ingredients you should avoid. Your body will thank you, I promise!

Five Simple Ways To Boost Your Health Everyday

1. Spend time in Nature - Are you ever having a bad day and then you walk outside and immediately, your heart feels just a little less heavy? I know that for me, being in nature gives me a sense of peace that I can't feel anywhere else. And bonus? You're usually getting your heart rate up from exploring or just walking to work! Plus, studies show that people who spend more time in nature are significantly less stressed & happier than the average person!

2. Laughter - I don't know about you but for me, laughter really is the best medicine. My entire soul is on FIRE when I'm getting a good laugh in and for me, that usually involves an unreasonably large smile, having a hard time breathing and some very strange sounds exiting my mouth. So watch a funny movie, spend time with friends that make you giggle, do something that makes you laugh so hard you can't control yourself. Not only will your brain get a shot of endorphins, but your abs will get a good workout too!

3. Do A Crossword Puzzle  - I am a total Crossword nerd. I love them. My Sunday morning ritual always involves attempting the NYT Crossword. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment, but I just can't stop! And guess what? Doing a mentally challenging activity like that is good for you! In fact, studies have shown that people who do less of these activities tend to have earlier brain degeneration. So do a crossword, read a good book or get your Sudoku on!

4. Have Good Posture - This one is so simple to accomplish and yet so many people go through their days without good posture. I know I always have to remind myself to sit up straight! It's so so important to help promote the flow of energy in your body so try to stand a little bit taller. You'll be amazed at the difference you feel!

5. Eat A Healthy Breakfast - The best thing you can do to get your metabolism going for the day? Eat your breakfast! It always amazes me how many people I meet that don't eat breakfast on the daily. Eating breakfast is key to leading a healthy lifestyle. It sets you up for success each day (so you don't hit that 10:00 slump where you need to eat anything and everything you see) & it gives you a kick in the pants to start your day with! 


Start implementing these five simple things into your day to day life and you will find yourself leading a happier & healthier life in no time.