How to Stop Giving Up On Yourself When Shit Gets Hard

How do you handle things when things get hard? Do you lean into the shit storm and see it through to the other side? Or do you give up? 

I've been thinking about this a lot. About why people give up. And why some people rise to the occasion, crash into their fears and see the shit storm through to the other side. 

I've been talking to a few coaches on my team about how it's totally normal to feel uncomfortable and terrified. We're all entrepreneurs and let me tell ya, while the work from home and make your own hours has a billion perks, it requires you to dive in and bust through your comfort zones like woah. My journey of entrepreneurship has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs filled with so much self-discovery and failing forward along the way. 

But here's the thing -- so often, the minute things get hard or they don't go the way we think they should, people give up. Why? Because it's EASY to stay in our comfort zones. To stick to the status quo. 

We start something new and exciting -- like a workout program, a creative endeavour, a business venture -- and at first, it's SO AMAZING. It's FRESH. It makes us giddy just thinking about it. But when the rush of the honeymoon stage begins to wear off, and we see how much work and dedication it will take, we start to wonder if we should keep on pursuing it at all. 

So really, you have two choices: quit or figure it out.

The easy choice is to quit. Give up on yourself and go back to your life. 

And I'll be honest? There have been many times when my inner mean girl is like giiiiirl, just stop. Put some Netflix on and just put all the things aside.

When I had my quarter life crisis moment in 2015, I hit that crossroads. I was trying so hard to make it as a full time actor and was KILLING MYSELF working a billion day jobs and running to auditions every single day and just not getting anywhere. I felt like a total failure. And I was miserable.

I knew something had to change, but I also knew that giving up on my dream of being an actor was just not going to happen. 

SO, instead of continuing to run on that hamster wheel of death and pave the path of what other artists deemed successful -- I decided to create my own version of it. And I've been building my coaching biz ever since. That being said, being an entrepreneur, I've had hundreds of moments where I've wanted to give up. It's SO satisfying but also hard AF. 

And you're on this crazy amazing rollercoaster. The highs are SO life giving and beautiful, and the lows can be soul crushing. And for most, those lows become an OUT. A way to say "ok, I tried, but I'm not doing this anymore". And I'll be honest -- I've had those moments. When I have a big day in my business and push myself wayyy out of my comfort zone, all I want to do the next day is curl up in my pjs with my pup, and binge watch the Bachelor.

I'm working on finding the flow of it all. Of breaking the habit of backing off and slowing down when things get hard -- and there have been 3 things that have been VITAL for this process for me. 

  1. Practice. Busting through your comfort zone and doing hard things can feel super SCARY. But it's through these things that we GROW into the best versions of ourselves. And as Tony Robbins always says, the key to happiness is consistent growth. So practice! When you feel yourself wanting to give up mid workout, dig in and see how much further you can push your body. 
  2. Give yourself some epic self love. How can we rock this? Wake up early and fill your brain with positivity. Read an inspiring book (check out my top 5 faves for inspo here!). Practice positive self talk. Make a gratitude list. Braindump all of your thoughts onto paper and let that shit go. When we're fueling our minds with goodness, the hard shit won't feel so insurmountable.
  3. Meditate. The best thing you can do when life gets hard? Find a quiet space and BREATHE. So often our emotions and anxieties are just side effects of living in the shit for too long. So step away from it and give yourself some space to just be with yourself. And once you've found some grounding, come back to it and dive in with a clear mind and heart.

As my coach and biz wifey always says, "You can do hard things."

And she's right. I can. And so can you, beautiful girl. 

I challenge you to lean into the fear. Say YES to yourself and your dreams, especially when shit gets hard.

Because if you do, you'll be one step closer to that HIGH VIBE, BADASS version of you you were put on this Earth to be. 

And that girl? She's worth fighting for.


Xo, your no BS soul sistah,


The Power of Superfoods


Not gonna lie, I used to think the word superfood was a load of BS.


All those juices jam packed with “superfoods”? Really I was just drinking sugar 😂 and yeah, maybe blueberries were thrown in there (and yesss they're considered a superfood) but was that really a healthy choice? I thought so, but now I know better.


And girl, let me help you AVOID the mistakes I made that led me down an emotional/binge eating spiral of despair for sooo many freaking years.

Superfoods are AMAZING -- when it’s presented and ingested in the right ways -- and while it has been the “hot new word” for years now, I truly didn’t understand WHY and HOW until the past year.


So why are superfoods an important part of our diet?

They help our bodies THRIVE.

Unlike sooo many medicines these days that just put a bandaid over our symptoms, they actually heal our bodies from the inside out.

And they prevent chronic diseases.


SAY WHATTT? Yup, it’s real.

I don't know about you but as a gal who has a 50/50 chance of having the cancer gene, that was reason enough for me to get on board.


I’m not gonna bore you with all of the ins and outs of what each and every superfood can do for your health (and if you’re nerdy like me, I know you’re probably googling the benefits of ashwagandha as we speak) but I will share with you some of my personal favorites and their benefits -- ‘cause I know you’re a busy babe and are probably reading this on your lunch break to escape your 9-5 and just don’t have time to spend hours on google -- I GOTCHU!

Chaga (the hot new superfood!) -- it’s actually a mushroom believe it or not! And it helps stimulate and regulate the immune system, gives nutritional support in the fight against cancer, reduces inflammation in the body and has anti-aging properties.

Matcha -- rich in antioxidants, helps reduce blood pressure, boosts your metabolism and helps keep your body alert throughout the day.

Rose hips -- high in vitamin C, treats skin ailments, filled with antioxidants and helps support the immune system

Maca - I looove the benefits of this one -- helps those with chronic fatigue, and it also increases stamina, memory, and it promotes female hormone balance naturally! (Can I get a what whattt!)


This whole healing your body naturally is REAL you guys.


But when I decided I was IN and went to the grocery store to load up on matcha, rose hips, chaga, maca etc. I quickly realized I would end up spending upwards of $500 just for a few superfoods here and there, I knew there had to be a better and more affordable way. I’m ALL about investing in my health, and do so on the regular (because let’s be honest, it’s all we have!), but that just seemed craaaazy.

So, when I learned that this all natural chocolatey bad boy had not just those superfoods but 47 others, and that it was actually in my freaking budget, I was all in.

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I’ve been drinking it every day for a year and a half now, and I’ve noticed significant changes in my health. My anxiety and stress is wayyy lower and more manageable, my nails are strong and shiny for the first time in my life, TMI but my poops are on point and my IBS is gooooone, and despite working around kids, I’ve only gotten sick once since drinking it and it was a minor cold that I kicked in the butt in 2 days.

So, yeah, I believe in the power of superfoods.

And you should too.

Because all those protein shakes you see on the market that you think you’re being healthy by drinking (yeah, girl, I’m calling you out -- I was there too. I didn’t know any better!) Most of them are filled toxic fake shit and nooooone of them are doing anything to actually HEAL YOUR BODY.


So, how can you start using Superfoods to help your body THRIVE?

Here are some places to get started:

  • Start small! Pick a couple of superfoods that resonate with you and your symptoms and start adding them into your daily routine! You can throw them into your smoothie or overnight oats! (I used to do this with chia seeds, blueberries and acai berries back in the day!)

  • Wanting to look your best and brightest for wedding season? Add in some collagen to your daily routine ;) I recently tried Vital Proteins’ Collagen Peptides and love that it’s all natural and you can’t taste it! Add it to your coffee or smoothie in the morning and voila!

  • Go big or go home and get an entire superfood overhaul of your health and get 50 + superfoods in your body every single day -- if that isn’t a magical cup of goodness, I don’t know what is (and it tastes like brownie batter soooooo it’s kinda the f*cking best). Wanna check it out for 30 days? Message me now! I’ve got your back girl ;)

Top 5 Personal Development Books for Beginners

Let's face it.

We aren't born to be 100% confident, energetic, and instant masters at what we do.


We know we have to take care of our physical bodies by eating right, working out, getting sleep, etc etc but we don't really talk about how we need to take care of our mental and emotional selves.

The more you learn about yourself, the more you'll be able to understand your quirks, strengths, and capacity for dealing with life, and it's so important to work on our mindset every single day.


Have you ever felt like you're stuck, spinning your wheels, in a life rut?  

It's probably because you haven't been challenging yourself on the inside. If you don't put work into your emotional and spiritual growth, you're going to stay stuck.


Whenever you're going through change in life, whether that's losing weight, starting a new job or relationship, or moving to a new city, it's important to grow and evolve on the INSIDE. If we don't match our inner growth with our external growth, we're never going to feel satisfied with our accomplishments or like we're "good enough."

You can only go as far as you grow. Your success in life will always be limited by your confidence, skills, and level of self-awareness.

Personal development is heavily encouraged in the Beachbody world, but I think it's important for everyone, regardless of what you want out of life! 

Putting myself on a mental/emotional "diet" of personal development books and podcasts over the past year has helped me deal with my perfectionism, anxiety, and low self esteem. I'm still a work in progress but I've learned so much, and helping other women get to know themselves is now my purpose in life.


Today I'm sharing the five books I started out with that had the greatest impact on my life!

 Sidenote: Just because these are my personal recommendations doesn’t mean they’re the right books for you. I’m a 25 year old female who’s building her own business, working on her acting career, chasing her dreams, and working to overcome self doubt, anxiety and perfectionism. If you’re similar to me and, chances are you’ll benefit from these books too!

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Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Yup, the author of Eat Pray Love is at it again. And I think this is her piece de resistance, especially if you’re an artist or creative entrepreneur. In this book, she dives right into how to release your fear so that you can show up for yourself in your creative life.

What I learned from Big Magic:

That fear is a NORMAL part of the creative process. And that you can either let the fear stagnate you for moving forward OR you can choose to move forward in spite of the fear. To use it to propel you towards the artistic and creative path you crave.

Quotable quotes:

“ Do whatever bring you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart. The rest of it will take care of itself.” 

“You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures.”

“What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?”

“Don’t let go of your courage the moment things stop being easy or rewarding. Because that moment? That’s the moment when interesting begins.”


You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

The title of this book says it all. If you’re looking for a book that will empower you with confidence and ultimate badassery, this book is for you.   

What I learned from You Are A Badass:

To not take yourself so goddamn seriously and that you CAN do whatever you put your mind to. Her tough love, no BS approach really hit home with me and made me realize that so often, I trick myself out of doing these really huge and exciting things because I let that inner mean girl (or as I like to call her, my inner shit talker) tell me I’m not good enough. Eff that. You are. End of story.

Quotable quotes:

“It’s just as easy to believe we’re awesome as it is to believe we’re giant sucking things”

“There will never be anyone exactly like you. You were given special gifts and talents to share with the world, and even though everybody has special gifts and talents, nobody will use theirs quite the same way you do. You have a way of being in the world and a perspective that’s unique to you. You are kind of a big deal.” 

“What if you had the audacity to leave your excuses and your shame about wanting to be huge and fabulous behind and really went for it full-on anyway? What if you decided to do the most outrageous, most exciting thing you ever dared fantasize about, regardless of what anyone, including your terrified self, thought? THAT would be living.”


The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

Can you tell I favor female personal development authors? Sometimes you have to throw some masculine energy into the mix, and The Slight Edge is a MUST-READ for anyone.

This book is about how we can turn simple daily actions and behaviors into long-term success. It's all about starting where you are, with what you already know, and slowly but surely making baby steps towards your big shiny goals. In a world that tells us to expect instant results, it can be really discouraging and frustrating to work towards a big dream or goal that will take patience and time, and it’s easy to get derailed from our vision. I love this book because it reassures us that it’s not about big massive’s about the little things we can do to keep us moving forward.

 What I learned from The Slight Edge

The Slight Edge taught me how to shift my own definition of “success” and gave me a lot of confidence.

 Quotable Quotes:

 “You already know how to do everything it would take to make you an outrageous success. All you have to do is keep doing the things that have gotten you this far.” 

“Successful people fail their way to the top.”

“Success is a process, not a destination. It’s something you experience gradually, over time.”

“Happiness isn’t some big thing you pursue, not something you chase after. It’s something you do.” 

“Don’t try to figure it all out. If you want twice the success, double your rate of failure. You start with a plan, then go through the process of continuous learning through both study and doing, adjusting all the time like a rocket ship on the way to the moon, of track 97 percent of the time.”


The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

The Desire Map is about leaning back and letting your values and core desired feelings take the lead. It’s about a creative, soulful approach to success and goal setting.

Whenever you start freaking yourself out or feeling overwhelmed and intimidated by your own plans and goals,the Desire Map is like a sigh of relief that will remind you you’re already good enough, and exactly where you need to be.

This book is half inspiration, and half workbook that will guide you to discover your own Core Desired Feelings, and then help you create a plan to manifest those feelings in all areas of life.

What I learned from The Desire Map:

That getting clear on how we want to FEEL in our life is essential for making decisions in our lives.

Quotable quotes:

“Wanting more for your future is not a betrayal of your present or past.”

 “Awareness is realizing that our life could always be better. Growth is doing what it takes to make it better.”

 “When you respect the darkness within yourself without any guilt trips, you’re becoming truly free.”

“Goals can perpetuate overplanning, and overplanning kills magic and possibilities.”

“You can ease up on yourself without shrinking your dreams.”


Mastering your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini

Mastering your Mean Girl is a no BS kick in the pants read that will help you make a plan for creating your own version of a kick-ass life — one that’s “wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy, and bursting with love” and where your mean girl won’t dictate your life anymore. This is a must read if you’re ready to let go of your Mean Girl, take action and start living the life of your dreams.

 What I learned from Mastering Your Mean Girl:

How simple shifts in perspective can be so transformative on your mental health.

Quotable quotes:

“In order for you to be the best, happiest, shiniest version of yourself, you need to fill yourself up first so that you are overflowing and bursting with love.”

 “There are no mistakes, just opportunities for evolution. Choose to see every ‘mistake’ or ‘failure’ as an opportunity for growth.”

“I move because I love the way it makes me feel. Not because I hate my body and want to fix and change it.”


A few tips on using personal development

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be tempted to binge on personal development, but it’s important not to let your “all or nothing” mindset take over. 

A good goal that will keep you moving forward at a steady pace is to read one PD book a month


That will give you motivation to actually finish reading it, and you’ll also have enough time to absorb and process what you’re reading (We actually do this every single month in our free Live On Purpose Community so if you haven’t joined this badass high vibing tribe, what’re you waiting for? Hop on in and soak up the looove!)


Sometimes I check PD books out of the library, but I prefer to buy them because I treat them like a workbook. You want to be able to highlight, underline, scribble notes and breakthroughs in the margins, and constantly be asking yourself "how can I apply this?".

I also love going back and re-reading my favorite books, because you’ll get something new out of them as your life evolves and changes. It’s fun to go back and see my previous notes and take-aways, and how I’ve been able to implement them into my life (or not!)


I encourage you -- nay, I DARE you to try one.

One of these books is probably standing out to you right now so just listen to your heart and pick it up


xo Amanda


Healthy Chicken Tacos

Am I the only one who feels like May has been flying by?

I guess time flies when you’re having fun and man oh man have we been doing just that!

Updates to come at the end of the month for Friday favorites or if ya want more of a personal behind the scenes look at things, be sure to subscribe for my weekly love bombs ;)


In all the hustle and bustle, Mothers day celebrations, events, performances,  mini getaways and such, I completely missed Cinco de Mayo!

So I’m making up for it with this supppah delicious taco recipe -- because I know you love your Taco tuesday!!

For real though, Mexican food has become a staple in our house because it’s just so goddamn easy, delicious and HEALTHY (if you make it that way) -- but I feel like I missed out on it growing up because we just never ate Mexican food! Being from Canada, it’s much less common than here in Amurrica.

In my almost 8 years of officially living in the US of A, I’ve found my true love in guac and chips and tacos -- but I’ll be honest? Guacamole and chips and salsa are one of the foods I used to binge on for hours on end. So I have to be super mindful when I do eat mexican food, and this recipe is one of my go-tos to be able to incorporate all of the things I LOVE, without the binge monster coming out to play. ‘Cause goodness knows I’ve worked my ass off and come so far and while I’m FAR from perfect, I’m never going back to that place.

So, without further ado, I give you...



Serves 2, Prep and Cook time: 30 minutes



2 chicken breasts, cubed

4 corn tortillas

½ sweet onion, thinly sliced

1/2 red pepper, thinly sliced

2 tbsp, cumin (or to taste -- I like a lot!)

1 tbsp, olive oil

1 tsp, cayenne

Sea Salt and pepper to taste

Avocado corn salsa:

½ tbsp olive oil

½ lime, juiced

1 ear of cooked corn

½ large avocado, sliced

¼ red onion, chopped

Salt and pepper to taste



  1. Place cubed chicken in medium mixing bowl. Add in 3 tbsp olive oil, cayenne, cumin, salt and pepper and mix everything well.

  2. While that sits, pour 1 tbsp of olive oil onto a pan and sautee the sweet onion and red pepper for 5-7 mins on medium high heat.

  3. Add in chicken when ready and let cook for approximately 10 mins, or until chicken is cooked through.

  4. While the chicken cooks, in a small bowl, combine the avocado, corn and red onion.

  5. Toss with lime juice, olive oil and salt and pepper.

  6. In a separate pan, on medium low heat, warm up your corn tortillas, flipping every 2 minutes or so.

  7. Once everything is done, load up your chicken mixture into a tortilla and top with avocado corn salsa and EAT UP!!


Do you celebrate Taco Tuesday every week?

How To Overcome Emotional Eating


                                                                                                                                                    Photo by Kara Evans Photography

Hey hey hey, ma lady!!

We're knee deep in our Live Your F*ck YES Life challenge in my corner of the universe and the energy is on FIRE. We're virtually sweating our booties off together every day, rocking out a killer meal plan and cheering each other on and I couldn't feel more PUMPED UP. If you’re one of the gals in our group -- know that I appreciate and freaking love you more than you know! (For more deets on what my monthly health & fitness groups are all about -- click here)

The last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking a lot about a topic that’s near and dear to my heart and I thought it was high time I shared this on the bloggity blog because I have a feeling it’s something you struggle with too.


What am I talking about? EMOTIONAL EATING and SABOTAGE.


You start a new program or nutrition plan super strong and motivated, and then by Day 3 you have a stressful day, come home, raid the pantry and eat everything in sight. And then you throw in the towel because “you may as well just start all over again”.


when you've been eating healthy all day and then someone brings donuts to the office and you can't stop the sugar monster.


you let work or family stresses get to you and you eat to numb out.

And then you feel disgusting. You stare at the mirror and you hate that you hate your own reflection, and you are so freaking tired of never been strong enough to really commit to something and rock out the healthy happy LIFESTYLE you want so badly.

Sound familiar?

Or maybe it's another version of the same story.

Just replace food with your job. A relationship. Any area in your life where you want to see a positive shift take place.


First of all, girlfriend, I want you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


We all struggle with this. With the feeling of letting ourselves down. Of not feeling good enough

But can I tell you a secret? A shift in perspective that made all the difference for me on my journey?

Beating yourself up for failing at something is a sign that you CARE about yourself.

It means you WANT to succeed. That you care about yourself enough to actually want to make those positive changes in your life take hold. 

Which means, while you may not have been able to get there yet, you CAN. And you WILL.

It's just going to take some dedicated work, some accountability (‘cause shit, don’t we alll need that!) and a lot more time than your inner mean girl thinks it should. ‘Cause giiirl, I know you’ve been should-ing all over yourself.

So, how do you start to overcome this and take some positive steps forward?

Here are my top 3 tips to getting started:

  1. Get curious. Awareness is the first step towards positive change. So pay attention to yourself. What are your habits? What are you saying to yourself? When do you tend to emotionally eat?
  2. Show yourself LOVE. Getting aware is such an important step for being able to take action, but it can also be tough to admit these things to yourself. So be KIND to yourself. And remember, YOU have the power to change anything and everything in your life in an instant. And showing yourself grace while you slowly take positive steps forward is KEY to being able to achieve what you want. It’s not easy and there will be days when you catch your mean girl coming to play and THAT’S OKAY. That’s part of the process and something we all deal with ;)
  3. Speaking of that, whenever you catch your mean girl popping up, ask yourself “what would I say to my best friend if they were going through this situation?” Quit letting your inner mean girl take the reins and let your LIGHT shine through, not just to others in your life but to YOU TOO!


You are more powerful than you know. And if you do the work, I promise you, you will start to see the LIGHT inside of you shine in ways you never imagined possible.

I believe in you. 

It’s time to start believing in yourself too ;)

Xo Amanda

P.s. Interested in seeing more shizzz like this and jumpstarting your emotional eating healing process and finding FOOD FREEDOM? Click the button below to snag your FREE Busy Babes Guide To Healthy Living & get weekly love bombs to your inbox!

Motivation is Garbage

Are you spending your life on automatic pilot?


You have all these aspirations in your life about what you WANT and who you want to be, but you’ve let months go by without taking any action...


I was watching this amazing video with Mel Robbins this past weekend all about why it’s so hard to be motivated to do the little things to improve our lives and it got my wheels turning.

Here’s the thing: our brains are designed to protect us -- going out of our comfort zone and deciding to make a change literally makes our brains send stress signals to our body telling us to retreat and get back to our comfy cozy zone.

So  literally, our bodies are programmed to keep us from going out of our comfort zones and leaping. And it’s up to US to take the leap of faith and dive in. Trust our gut and tell our brains to eff off.


Here's the real-freaking-deal.


You need to stop waiting until you “feel like it”.


You are ONE decision away from a 100% different life.

A different job. A different relationship. A different life. A different outlook.

It may not feel that easy, but it IS. You literally have that power because YOU are in control of your life -- and as Mel so poignantly says: “If you change your decisions, you change everything.”

The timing of shit in your life can be SUUUPER MESSY.

And game changing opportunities don't just knock on your door once the "timing is right" or "you're ready".

Because, let's be honest: there is always something making it the "wrong time".

And if there's anything I've learned it's that those life changing magical opportunities tend to knock on your door at the most inopportune times.

I launched my business right after my wedding, having just quit my job and having the roof of our new house leak, causing major water damage.

Not ideal to say the least. But I jumped ANYWAYS.

I decided to crash into the fear, trust my gut and say YES to the life I had been dreaming of for years but never took any action on.


And that's what I want you to do. To jump in with everything you've got.


Right fucking now.



"when you have the time"

“When the motivation strikes”

"when the timing feels right"

"once you have the perfect body"

"once your busy schedule opens up"

"once you pay off all your debt"

"in a few months"

"when you feel ready"

"when everything lines up so perfectly that magical unicorns and rainbows fall from the sky"


Truth bomb? If you’re waiting for those things, then you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life. Because life just doesn’t happen that way.


You are WORTH putting your dreams into action right now.

So quit delaying your happiness.

And take f*cking action.

I want you to take the next 5 minutes and just write the answer to this question --

Where have YOU been holding yourself back? If you could have the courage to make a change in your life right freaking now, without any “repercussions”, and what would you do?

And once you've spent some time thinking on that, I want you to think of ONE way that you can take action on that RIGHT NOW. 

It's time to jump in. With both feet.

And decide to live that f*ck yes life you and I both know is there waiting for you.

I'm with you. I'm going. Who's coming with me?

Xo Amanda

p.s. my weekly love bombs have even more amaazeballs tips, tricks and truth bombs coming atcha every single week --- click the button below to get the weekly goods!!

My Top 5 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

As a health coach, one of the biggest concerns I hear - “I just can’t afford to eat that healthy all the time!”

And I totally get it.

When I first started on my health journey, I was freaking out about the price sticker on so many “healthy items” that all these crazy meal plans were telling me I needed -- almond flour, flax seeds -- you name it! And I was like uhhhh this is not sustainable for ANYONE, let alone an actor/just out of college gal like me. So I made it my mission to find a way to make it simple and AFFORDABLE.

So girl, let me be the first to tell you, from a gal who is SUPER budget conscious that if I can do it, you can too.

Here are my 5 best tips & tricks for being health & budget conscious:

1. Location

WHERE do you shop? This was a game changer for me.

I live super close to a Whole Foods, but I could never afford to shop there regularly- can you say whole paycheck? So the hubby and I shop at local produce markets and Trader Joes/Marianos for the most part!

Don’t have a Trader Joes near you? What about Aldi? Aldi has AMAZING prices and they have begun a no GMO program and offer many more organic options.

2. Buy what’s in season!

Yes, fresh produce can get pricey- so find a good deal on what is in season and FREEZE it for later use!

In the summer, I buy so much corn because it’s cheap and tastes so much better- I cut it off the cob and freeze it to use throughout the year. Same with berries, berries can be so pricey so I stock up when they are at a reasonable price. Then I cut them and freeze them! Great for smoothies, oatmeal, whatever down the road!

3. Use saving apps

You guys I don’t know whyyyy I never utilized this before but coupons are freaking awesome -- use them! AND THERE ARE APPS you can use!!!!

My girlfriend Jess introduced me to Flipp -- have you heard of it? Not only do they have many of the discount newsletters for your favorite stores, but you can input your grocery list and they will tell you if any nearby stores have those items on sale! I like Flipp because you can use YOUR grocery list to find deals, not just randomly buying whatever happens to be on sale, ya know?

4. Make a grocery list.

If you don’t plan ahead, you might think you need several things you actually have in your pantry, and you will end up spending money on all the impulse buys. Make a plan and stick to it!

5. Learn to cook

Kev and I save so much money when we eat in.

And I want to show you just how much:

Kev and I spend about $75-85 a week at the grocery (and YASS we eat a lot haha). Plus, we spend $99 a month on Shakeology. So thats about $101 a week on our meals and snacks. If we each eat 3 meals a day (42 meals a week) and 2 snacks a day (28 snacks), that adds up to be $1.57 per meal or snack! Tell me a restaurant that you could find a healthy option for $1.57!

Don't know where to start?

Grab your FREE copy of the Busy Babe's Guide to Healthy Living -- filled with whole foods grocery list, meal plan printable and healthy recipes! 


What’s a tip that YOU have to share about healthy eating on a budget?

Which of the above really spoke to you and is something you're gonna start implementing in your life?

Maple Tempeh Bowls

You guys. 

I freaking did it.

I figured out a way to eat tempeh that ACTUALLY tastes good.

When I went on, as my hubby likes to refer to it, my "crazy vegan streak" a few years ago, I tried tempeh for the first time. I had heard it was a great source of protein and I was struggling to find a way to get all my protein in so I figured, why the hell not, I'll try it.

And I was like ummmmm this shit tastes like JANK AF.

Not only does it look weird (I think it kind of looks like brains, to be honest), but it has a texture that I had just never dealt with before. But, being determined as I was, I scarfed it down and suffered in silence. 

Have you tried tempeh before?

For years, I tried recipe after recipe to like it. I was freaking DETERMINED.

I knew the health benefits of it, and while I stopped being vegan a long time ago, I aim to have as many vegetarian options in my diet as I can. *Cue, Amanda experimenting in the kitchen*

Now, I'll be honest. I'm no chef. My hubby's got the cooking skills in the family. BUT I've been eating whole foods long enough to know that if they don't taste good, I won't eat them. So I've made it my mission to create and find recipes for myself that are quick, easy, healthy AND delicious.

And you guys, not to toot my own horn, but I think this one might take the cake.

If you've been on the tempeh struggle bus for a long time -- try this. 

If you've never tried tempeh before but are looking for an affordable protein option -- try this.

If you just love good, quick and easy food -- try it.

I hope it blows your mind as much as it did mine!


Serves 2, Cook time: 20 minutes



1 package of Tempeh (I used Light Life original

1/8 cup of maple syrup

1 1/2 tbsp tamari

1/8 cup of balsamic vinegar

2 cloves garlic, minced

3 tsp olive oil

2 cups sautéed veggies (I used yellow squash and broccoli!)



  1. Remove tempeh from package and chop into small 1 inch pieces.
  2. In a small bowl combine maple syrup, balsamic vinegar, tamari, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and minced garlic. Add tempeh into a shallow dish and pour maple balsamic marinade over the tempeh, toss to coat and let tempeh marinade in the fridge for 1 - 24 hours.
  3. Once tempeh is marinated, pan-glaze the tempeh by heating 1 tsp olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once oil is hot, add the tempeh and cook until golden brown on each side, allowing 4-5 minutes per side.  Toss the tempeh a couple times during this process.
  4. In separate pan, sautee veggies with remaining olive oil! Season with sea salt! 
  5. Once the veggies and tempeh are cooked through, slap 'em into a bowl and voila! You're ready to eat!


Ways to Slow Down and Destress your Busy Life

Every single day. You're feeling overworked. Busy. Running out the door. Looking for your phone/keys. Leave your lunch on the kitchen counter. Work all day. Trudge home in traffic. Grab a glass of wine. Make dinner. Cuddle on the couch. Netflix. Go to bed and do it all over again.

That's what my day looked like for years. 

And I will never forget what my mom said to me one day a few years back. She said, "You have to slow down or else you're going to burn out." And she was right. And of course, like the stubborn gal I am, I didn't listen. And I burnt the fuck out and for so many years, wore busy as a badge of honor

While my schedule may look a whole hell of a lot different than it did then, I still lead a busy life. And what I've learned along the way is the importance to find ways to slow down and find some grounding amidst the busy. Because, let's be honest, life isn't mean to be lived running around like a chicken with your head cut off, am I right?

Ready to destress and take away the overwhelm?

Here are some things you can start incorporating into your life right now, girlfriend!



Getting your body moving is the freaking BEST thing you can do to de-stress and start your day off on a beautiful foot! I used to use the "I don't have time" excuse all the time but as soon as I started my at home workouts and was rocking out 30 minutes or less for my whole day for a workout, it became a non-negotiable and all my excuses were busted at the door. I chat about some of my favorite go-tos here!

Wake up 30 minutes earlier. And freaking GET IT IN. Your body, mind and soul will thank you.

little things.jpg


Even amidst a crazy schedule, there are so many opportunities to be mindful. To show up for our lives with intention. 

Be present.

Look deep within and figure out what is important to you.

Decide to live your life on purpose in every way that you CAN. And commit to showing up as the woman you KNOW you were put on this earth to be.

Not sure where to start? Download your FREE copy of 5 Steps to A Mindful Life for a deeper look into how to implement this into your daily life!


There's a reason all great creatives/writers/thinkers have a daily walk as part of their routine. Being outside gives us a break from being at our computers. A way for us to unplug and just BE. 

Bonus? If you have a pup like I do, it's super awesome bonding time and they'll love you forever. 




Call your gal pal that always makes you laugh so hard you pee a little.

Throw yourself a dance party with your dog in the kitchen while making dinner. 

JUST LAUGH. It's an immediate reminder not to take life So seriously and to soak in the present. (And it helps you make faces like this!)




Turn it off an hour before bed and leave it off for the first hour in the morning too. Or at least put it on airplane mode.

We spend so many hours staying constantly connected and it's causing more and more stress to our nervous system and our brain. Soak in that unplugged time and you'll feel less stressed in no time.

(and yes, girl, those emails CAN wait until work hours. And you're not gonna miss anything important on Instagram, I promise.)


What's something you're committing to to start YOUR journey to a less stressed life?

Share in the comments or, if you're looking for some extra accountability and a safe space to go through this process, join our Live on Purpose Facebook community! 

Cheers to living a more intentional and grounded life! You deserve it, babe.

Xo Amanda

p.s. not getting weekly love bombs to your inbox yet? Girl, what are you waiting for?! I dish out allll of the goods there ;)

Healthy Brownie Bites

It's almost officially Spring...can you believe it? 

Up until a week ago, I would have said YES! The birds were chirping, it was starting to get warm and rainy (unseasonably early in the year for Chicago, may I add), but noooooo, mother nature decided that winter needed one last hurrah and we got hit with a beautiful blizzard of snow.

Honestly, I love the snow. And seeing Toby, my goldendoodle pup, get SO excited about it was definitely maybe the cutest thing on the planet. Having a pup in my life again has really brought back the inner kid in me and I love it. I LOVE my goofball side, but sometimes I can get so serious with everything life throws my way that I forget to laugh and take in the little, silly moments -- you know the feeling? Having a dog again has been a great reminder to just be a GOOBER and have fun!

And what's more fun than getting back into the kitchen with some DELICIOUS chocolate-y treats (that feel like cheats!) I've been getting back into trying different thangs out and you guys, these are a freaking WINNER. 




1 c cashews OR peanut butter
1 c raw old fashioned oats
3 scoops or packets of Chocolate Protein powder (I use Chocolate Shakeology for the added nutrients and 'cause it tastes like brownie batter! If ya wanna try it out, let me know!)
+ ~ 1/3 c water



1. Add all ingredients to a food processor and blitz for about 1 minute, until the cashews and oats are pulverized.
2. While the processor is running, SLOWLY add water, 1 tbsp at a time, until the mixture is the consistency of cookie dough.
3. Roll the dough into golf sized balls or press into a baking dish to make bars, and store in the refrigerator!