Healthy Living

Why I refuse to do the Whole 30

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while now, and my “I just wanna be liked by everyone” insecurities have been stopping me from doing so. But I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what “diet plan” I follow and what my philosophy on nutrition is and if I would recommend the Whole 30 to others, so while I know this is going to be a suuuper controversial topic, it’s time I bit the bullet and dove in.


I want to start off by saying that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to go about eating food. I will never write and tell you you have to eat this or you can’t eat that 100% goes against my philosophy. Every single one of us are made up differently and there is not “one diet fits all”. You’ve gotta experiment a bit and figure out how best to FUEL your body so it feels its best.


That being said,  it’s also my mission to be REAL AF with you ladies and share my personal experiences so that’s why I’m opening up about this on the blog today.

There are a shiz ton of fads out there right now surrounding food (paleo, ketogenics, vegan...the works) and Whole 30 is just one of the many, that it can be so tough to know where to start and what to eat.

One person says “eat this!” and another person says “ahhh stay away!”.

Eat sugar, don’t eat sugar.

Cut out grains!  


And I don’t know about you, but it can be so freaking exhausting to keep up with.


When I started my journey into being more intentional with my foods, I found the restriction or “off limit foods” to be overwhelming. I went from not really thinking about food to literally thinking about my daily food intake and which meal I was going to have next in an obsessive way. I read an article about how carbohydrates were awful for you, so  I cut out carbs for 2 years. YUP. You read that right. 2 fucking years. The FDA said fats were terrible for you so I started eating anything and everything with a “low fat” label. Veganism became a trend? I went vegan for a couple of months. Dairy got a bad rap? I cut it out completely.

I was on this cycle for years and within months of starting to focus on my food, I had developed some serious disordered eating tendencies and crazy anxiety surrounding food. Binge eating. Emotional eating. Anxiety around how many calories I was eating. Food journals. I would spend all day eating nothing but vegetables, lean meats and the occasional fruit and then would binge eat all the trail mix, nutella, oreos and ice cream I could find.

And this vicious cycle kept up for YEARS. All because of the latest diet trends I was told to follow to “get skinny” (which I, of course, thought would help me finally feel happy and confident -- wrong!).


It wasn’t until I had a really emotionally draining summer, gained allll the weight back and then some and had to start from scratch that things shifted. Because I knew there had to be a better way.

I know a lot of women who LOVE the whole 30. It has given them energy, mental clarity and a whole new approach to food that works for them. And if you’re someone who this program has resonated with, that’s GREAT!


But here’s the thing -- this isn’t the right program for everyone.

And it is certainly not the program for me.


Why, you ask? It’s very simple.

Because I have a history of disordered eating.


I know that for me, any plan that asks me to cut out entire food groups or has a restrictive nature in any way is going to be a major no-no for me. It’s immensely triggering, and I have come too far building such a positive relationship with food that I just won’t put that in jeopardy.

(Side note: the creator of the Whole30 Program, Melissa Hartwig, even puts a disclaimer in that if you’ve suffered with disordered eating in the past, this program may not be for you.)

Does this mean that I eat anything and everything? No. I stay away from processed foods because I know how terrible they are for me. And I limit my dairy intake as well as my simple carbohydrates because I know that for me, personally, they tend to leave me inflamed and bloated.

But it’s my choice. I listen to my body. I have adopted a system that is focused on portion control and whole foods, of alll categories. Yup, that means fruits, veggies, proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, the works.

Also, I have seen first hand how triggering the re-introductory phase of the Whole 30 can be for women who have any kind of negative relationship with food (even emotional eating!) Many of my clients have loved the process of Whole 30 while ON it, but as soon as they start to re-introduce other food groups that they have eliminated, they dive into serious binge eating spurts that take months and months to work through, both physically and mentally.  


So, am I planning on doing the Whole 30? Nope.


I’ve found a system that works wonders for me and for the first time in my life, I’m eating MORE food, looking and feeling better than ever and don’t ever feel restricted or controlled by food. Which is something I honestly never thought would be my reality.

That being said, there are a few things I love about the Whole 30:

  • I love that it’s a whole foods based nutrition plan.
  • I love that you are encouraged to ditch the scale and focus on how you FEEL versus the numbers you are seeing (#hellsyes I could not agree more)

  • I love that you’re encouraged to do it with a support squad. I have seen first hand just how amazing and empowering being on your journey with a community has been for my own personal journey (that’s why I created the Live Your F*ck YES Life program so I could pay it forward!) Community is everything in my books and I appreciate this aspect of the program for sure.

So the moral of the story? Do your research before you dive in.

If you're dealing with serious issues with food, speak to a professional.

If you're struggling with emotional eating and are tired of the yo yo diet train, find yourself a coach to work with building you habits that will LAST -- I know a good one ;)

And above all, don't believe everything you read. 

Trust your intuition and what your body is telling you. You are more in tune with your body than you think, my lady. 

And it's high time you start feeling FREE from all this food rule bullshit, ok?

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- are you a whole 30 fan or no? How do you feel about the diet industry? Share your thoughts in the comments below and I'll be sure to get back to you!

Xo Amanda


How I'm Getting Out Of My Fitness Rut

Hey Friends!

I haven’t done a personal blog update in a while and I’m feeling SUPER called to share some exciting news and also pretty personal shiz with you all so buckle up and hold onto your hats.

The past few months I’ve been in a bit of a fitness rut.

I’ve been deep diving into LIFE (traveling, starting a new job, taking a super rad course to uplevel my business and just my life in general) and while I was keeping up with my workouts, I wasn’t feeling inspired like I usually do. I started to let my workouts fall by the way side occasionally and my nutrition too -- especially my nutrition.

If you’ve been following my story for a while , you know that my journey in health & fitness has been a bumpy one. But what I haven’t talked much about is how it all started. 


Did you play sports growing up?


I may be a creative, actor, and girlboss entrepreneur, but growing up I LOVED playing sports. I played soccer for 10 years of my life -- my dad was my coach! And all through high school, I played volleyball. And I loved every second of it.

I loved the teamwork. I loved the competition. I loved the activity.

And I loved the feeling of being a part of something bigger.

Of pushing my limits beyond what I imagined I was capable of.

Especially in volleyball. I will never forget the day my best friend tricked me into going to try outs. I had never played a day of volleyball in my LIFE and here I was trying to get a spot on the team? Nuh uh. But you know what? I made the team. Second string, but still. I freaking made it. And from that moment on, I was determined to RISE. I showed up to every 6 AM practice with bells on. I knew that all I had to do was work hard, show up and do my best. So I did that, and I got better. And before I knew it, I was sitting first string middle, playing my heart out at every game and proving to myself that I was so much more capable than I ever gave myself credit for.

I just got back from an amazing trip to Ireland (trip recap on the blog to come, I promise!), and I realized while I was there and reminiscing with my dad about my soccer and volleyball days how much I miss it. I miss the challenge. I miss the feeling of committing to something 100% and deciding to RISE. 

And that’s why I’m so excited to be a part of a super exciting test group for a new agility strength program this month. I got to preview it for the first time this week and holy balls I haven’t been excited about a fitness program like this in a LONG TIME. And I’m SO excited to be rocking out this test group alongside of a badass group of women who are diving in head first to rock out this program with alongside of me (If you’re looking to ditch the diet, find joy in fitness and feel SEXY AF this summer, come join us! You can get more info here.)



If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you know I'm all about ditching the diet train and making fitness fun, which is why I'm crazy excited about this program because it focuses on transforming yourself in every aspect -- ESPECIALLY internal shifts. 

My favorite thing about being a coach isn't watching my clients have massive physical transformations that stick. Don't get me wrong, it's freaking AMAZING to watch the women I work with transform before my very eyes, but it's the internal shifts that they go through that really change their lives. And getting to offer that mental and emotional support to my gals is freaking EVERYTHING to me. 

When you challenge yourself, you discover how strong and resilient you really are from the inside out. And I've found that once you start to focus on taking care of your physical health, all of the other areas of your life fall into place. Your mental health. Your relationships. You start to live more on purpose and filled with freaking JOY.

I'm friends with a few of the coaches in the Shift Shop test group and while their physical results are freaking insane, what inspired me the most was hearing about their mental and emotional transformations.

Rocking out a program like this is not easy, and having extra support and accountability is KEY to success. Which is why I'm excited to be hosting a Shift Shop Challenge with my entire coaching team later this month for anyone who wants to try the program with me!


I’ve been getting a bunch of questions on what this program is all about so here are some commonly asked questions I’ve gotten...

Q: I’ve been really out of the loop on a fitness plan for a long time. Is this program crazy advanced or beginner friendly?

A: It's great for all fitness levels. If you have a lot of weight to lose, this program will be your on-ramp to fitness. If you've spent some time away from your regular routine, it will lead you through a fitness tune-up. It's perfect for anyone who wants an easy commitment to jump-start their regimen.

Q: How long are the workouts?

A: In three short weeks (21 days) you progress from basic 25 minute workouts to advanced 45 minute routines - all while honing your nutrition for optimal results.

Q: What are the workouts like?  

Here's an outline of how the 3 weeks will go down...

Speed: 25 (25 min) Jumpstart your cardio with 1-minute intervals designed to work your entire body and make you break a sweat.

Strength: 25 (25 min) Build a strong foundation with easy-to-learn 1-minute intervals of resistance movements designed to set you up for success.

Speed: 35 (35 min) Intensity increases as does the formations. This workout was designed to improve your agility, build your stamina and burn more calories.

Strength: 35 (35 min) By combining the foundational moves, the intensity ramps up creating new challenges as you continue to get stronger.

Speed: 45 (45 mins) Up the ante with new dynamic drills that continue to ramp-up your conditioning and get your ready for any challenge.  

Strength: 45 (45 mins) The ultimate resistance workout created to challenge every muscle group to increase definition and get the very best out of you.  

Shift Core (12 mins) Strengthen your core as you breathe through 9, 1-minute ab-shredding exercises.

Shift Mobility: 20 minutes of focused stretching to alleviate tightness and get you ready to continue the Shift.

Super Speed: 50 (50 mins) Adding in the Beachbody PT Sandbag, this workout brings you 3 rounds of calorie-scorching drills guaranteed to shift your endurance into high gear.

Super Strength: 50 (50 mins) Three rounds of resistance intervals designed to challenge your strength with the Beachbody PT Sandbag. This workout will challenge your body and your mind.

Super Shift Core: Take the Beachbody PT Sandbag to the mat for 9 intense 1-minute core-focused exercises.


Agility Markers and Weights For Base Kit Workouts. Sandbag and/or weights for Deluxe Workouts.

Q: Is there a nutrition component to this program?

A: Hells yes!!! And guess what? NOT a diet. Just a banging lifestyle plan that is all about using food as FUEL. 

The nutrition plan uses the portion containers from the 21 Day Fix and Portion Fix, which I love because they give me just the right balance between intuitive eating and structure. Every single meal is planned out so there’s no guesswork - you just pick the foods that you want to eat that fall into the containers.

And ALL FOOD GROUPS ARE A PART OF THE PLAN. Yup. Halle-freaking-lujah.

That being said, every week the nutrition plan shifts, which is arguably what I'm most excited about. I know firsthand how much our nutrition choices can shift SO much of how we feel and I can't wait to mix things up a bit.

So, how is it different? Just like the workouts, each week your portions change. You gradually decrease your carbs and increase your protein and healthy fat, so your body starts to burn fat as fuel.

I know this is going to be a challenge because I know I’m going to have to break my snacking and emotional eating tendencies, but at the same time, I know this is going to give me so much freaking clarity. 


Ready to make the Shift?

If you’re interested in entering the Shift Shop with me, I’m hosting an accountability group with my coaching team and we’re all going to do the program together!

We’ll have a daily check-in to make sure we stay on track, and it will be a safe, positive space to share our journeys.

These accountability groups are MAGIC and make the biggest difference when it comes to actually following through on your goals and making lasting change happen.

Questions? I'm always just an email away and would love to hear from you!!! Let's rock this summer out :) 

Xo Amanda

The Power of Superfoods


Not gonna lie, I used to think the word superfood was a load of BS.


All those juices jam packed with “superfoods”? Really I was just drinking sugar 😂 and yeah, maybe blueberries were thrown in there (and yesss they're considered a superfood) but was that really a healthy choice? I thought so, but now I know better.


And girl, let me help you AVOID the mistakes I made that led me down an emotional/binge eating spiral of despair for sooo many freaking years.

Superfoods are AMAZING -- when it’s presented and ingested in the right ways -- and while it has been the “hot new word” for years now, I truly didn’t understand WHY and HOW until the past year.


So why are superfoods an important part of our diet?

They help our bodies THRIVE.

Unlike sooo many medicines these days that just put a bandaid over our symptoms, they actually heal our bodies from the inside out.

And they prevent chronic diseases.


SAY WHATTT? Yup, it’s real.

I don't know about you but as a gal who has a 50/50 chance of having the cancer gene, that was reason enough for me to get on board.


I’m not gonna bore you with all of the ins and outs of what each and every superfood can do for your health (and if you’re nerdy like me, I know you’re probably googling the benefits of ashwagandha as we speak) but I will share with you some of my personal favorites and their benefits -- ‘cause I know you’re a busy babe and are probably reading this on your lunch break to escape your 9-5 and just don’t have time to spend hours on google -- I GOTCHU!

Chaga (the hot new superfood!) -- it’s actually a mushroom believe it or not! And it helps stimulate and regulate the immune system, gives nutritional support in the fight against cancer, reduces inflammation in the body and has anti-aging properties.

Matcha -- rich in antioxidants, helps reduce blood pressure, boosts your metabolism and helps keep your body alert throughout the day.

Rose hips -- high in vitamin C, treats skin ailments, filled with antioxidants and helps support the immune system

Maca - I looove the benefits of this one -- helps those with chronic fatigue, and it also increases stamina, memory, and it promotes female hormone balance naturally! (Can I get a what whattt!)


This whole healing your body naturally is REAL you guys.


But when I decided I was IN and went to the grocery store to load up on matcha, rose hips, chaga, maca etc. I quickly realized I would end up spending upwards of $500 just for a few superfoods here and there, I knew there had to be a better and more affordable way. I’m ALL about investing in my health, and do so on the regular (because let’s be honest, it’s all we have!), but that just seemed craaaazy.

So, when I learned that this all natural chocolatey bad boy had not just those superfoods but 47 others, and that it was actually in my freaking budget, I was all in.

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I’ve been drinking it every day for a year and a half now, and I’ve noticed significant changes in my health. My anxiety and stress is wayyy lower and more manageable, my nails are strong and shiny for the first time in my life, TMI but my poops are on point and my IBS is gooooone, and despite working around kids, I’ve only gotten sick once since drinking it and it was a minor cold that I kicked in the butt in 2 days.

So, yeah, I believe in the power of superfoods.

And you should too.

Because all those protein shakes you see on the market that you think you’re being healthy by drinking (yeah, girl, I’m calling you out -- I was there too. I didn’t know any better!) Most of them are filled toxic fake shit and nooooone of them are doing anything to actually HEAL YOUR BODY.


So, how can you start using Superfoods to help your body THRIVE?

Here are some places to get started:

  • Start small! Pick a couple of superfoods that resonate with you and your symptoms and start adding them into your daily routine! You can throw them into your smoothie or overnight oats! (I used to do this with chia seeds, blueberries and acai berries back in the day!)

  • Wanting to look your best and brightest for wedding season? Add in some collagen to your daily routine ;) I recently tried Vital Proteins’ Collagen Peptides and love that it’s all natural and you can’t taste it! Add it to your coffee or smoothie in the morning and voila!

  • Go big or go home and get an entire superfood overhaul of your health and get 50 + superfoods in your body every single day -- if that isn’t a magical cup of goodness, I don’t know what is (and it tastes like brownie batter soooooo it’s kinda the f*cking best). Wanna check it out for 30 days? Message me now! I’ve got your back girl ;)

How To Overcome Emotional Eating


                                                                                                                                                    Photo by Kara Evans Photography

Hey hey hey, ma lady!!

We're knee deep in our Live Your F*ck YES Life challenge in my corner of the universe and the energy is on FIRE. We're virtually sweating our booties off together every day, rocking out a killer meal plan and cheering each other on and I couldn't feel more PUMPED UP. If you’re one of the gals in our group -- know that I appreciate and freaking love you more than you know! (For more deets on what my monthly health & fitness groups are all about -- click here)

The last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking a lot about a topic that’s near and dear to my heart and I thought it was high time I shared this on the bloggity blog because I have a feeling it’s something you struggle with too.


What am I talking about? EMOTIONAL EATING and SABOTAGE.


You start a new program or nutrition plan super strong and motivated, and then by Day 3 you have a stressful day, come home, raid the pantry and eat everything in sight. And then you throw in the towel because “you may as well just start all over again”.


when you've been eating healthy all day and then someone brings donuts to the office and you can't stop the sugar monster.


you let work or family stresses get to you and you eat to numb out.

And then you feel disgusting. You stare at the mirror and you hate that you hate your own reflection, and you are so freaking tired of never been strong enough to really commit to something and rock out the healthy happy LIFESTYLE you want so badly.

Sound familiar?

Or maybe it's another version of the same story.

Just replace food with your job. A relationship. Any area in your life where you want to see a positive shift take place.


First of all, girlfriend, I want you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


We all struggle with this. With the feeling of letting ourselves down. Of not feeling good enough

But can I tell you a secret? A shift in perspective that made all the difference for me on my journey?

Beating yourself up for failing at something is a sign that you CARE about yourself.

It means you WANT to succeed. That you care about yourself enough to actually want to make those positive changes in your life take hold. 

Which means, while you may not have been able to get there yet, you CAN. And you WILL.

It's just going to take some dedicated work, some accountability (‘cause shit, don’t we alll need that!) and a lot more time than your inner mean girl thinks it should. ‘Cause giiirl, I know you’ve been should-ing all over yourself.

So, how do you start to overcome this and take some positive steps forward?

Here are my top 3 tips to getting started:

  1. Get curious. Awareness is the first step towards positive change. So pay attention to yourself. What are your habits? What are you saying to yourself? When do you tend to emotionally eat?
  2. Show yourself LOVE. Getting aware is such an important step for being able to take action, but it can also be tough to admit these things to yourself. So be KIND to yourself. And remember, YOU have the power to change anything and everything in your life in an instant. And showing yourself grace while you slowly take positive steps forward is KEY to being able to achieve what you want. It’s not easy and there will be days when you catch your mean girl coming to play and THAT’S OKAY. That’s part of the process and something we all deal with ;)
  3. Speaking of that, whenever you catch your mean girl popping up, ask yourself “what would I say to my best friend if they were going through this situation?” Quit letting your inner mean girl take the reins and let your LIGHT shine through, not just to others in your life but to YOU TOO!


You are more powerful than you know. And if you do the work, I promise you, you will start to see the LIGHT inside of you shine in ways you never imagined possible.

I believe in you. 

It’s time to start believing in yourself too ;)

Xo Amanda

P.s. Interested in seeing more shizzz like this and jumpstarting your emotional eating healing process and finding FOOD FREEDOM? Click the button below to snag your FREE Busy Babes Guide To Healthy Living & get weekly love bombs to your inbox!

My Top 5 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

As a health coach, one of the biggest concerns I hear - “I just can’t afford to eat that healthy all the time!”

And I totally get it.

When I first started on my health journey, I was freaking out about the price sticker on so many “healthy items” that all these crazy meal plans were telling me I needed -- almond flour, flax seeds -- you name it! And I was like uhhhh this is not sustainable for ANYONE, let alone an actor/just out of college gal like me. So I made it my mission to find a way to make it simple and AFFORDABLE.

So girl, let me be the first to tell you, from a gal who is SUPER budget conscious that if I can do it, you can too.

Here are my 5 best tips & tricks for being health & budget conscious:

1. Location

WHERE do you shop? This was a game changer for me.

I live super close to a Whole Foods, but I could never afford to shop there regularly- can you say whole paycheck? So the hubby and I shop at local produce markets and Trader Joes/Marianos for the most part!

Don’t have a Trader Joes near you? What about Aldi? Aldi has AMAZING prices and they have begun a no GMO program and offer many more organic options.

2. Buy what’s in season!

Yes, fresh produce can get pricey- so find a good deal on what is in season and FREEZE it for later use!

In the summer, I buy so much corn because it’s cheap and tastes so much better- I cut it off the cob and freeze it to use throughout the year. Same with berries, berries can be so pricey so I stock up when they are at a reasonable price. Then I cut them and freeze them! Great for smoothies, oatmeal, whatever down the road!

3. Use saving apps

You guys I don’t know whyyyy I never utilized this before but coupons are freaking awesome -- use them! AND THERE ARE APPS you can use!!!!

My girlfriend Jess introduced me to Flipp -- have you heard of it? Not only do they have many of the discount newsletters for your favorite stores, but you can input your grocery list and they will tell you if any nearby stores have those items on sale! I like Flipp because you can use YOUR grocery list to find deals, not just randomly buying whatever happens to be on sale, ya know?

4. Make a grocery list.

If you don’t plan ahead, you might think you need several things you actually have in your pantry, and you will end up spending money on all the impulse buys. Make a plan and stick to it!

5. Learn to cook

Kev and I save so much money when we eat in.

And I want to show you just how much:

Kev and I spend about $75-85 a week at the grocery (and YASS we eat a lot haha). Plus, we spend $99 a month on Shakeology. So thats about $101 a week on our meals and snacks. If we each eat 3 meals a day (42 meals a week) and 2 snacks a day (28 snacks), that adds up to be $1.57 per meal or snack! Tell me a restaurant that you could find a healthy option for $1.57!

Don't know where to start?

Grab your FREE copy of the Busy Babe's Guide to Healthy Living -- filled with whole foods grocery list, meal plan printable and healthy recipes! 


What’s a tip that YOU have to share about healthy eating on a budget?

Which of the above really spoke to you and is something you're gonna start implementing in your life?

Ways to Slow Down and Destress your Busy Life

Every single day. You're feeling overworked. Busy. Running out the door. Looking for your phone/keys. Leave your lunch on the kitchen counter. Work all day. Trudge home in traffic. Grab a glass of wine. Make dinner. Cuddle on the couch. Netflix. Go to bed and do it all over again.

That's what my day looked like for years. 

And I will never forget what my mom said to me one day a few years back. She said, "You have to slow down or else you're going to burn out." And she was right. And of course, like the stubborn gal I am, I didn't listen. And I burnt the fuck out and for so many years, wore busy as a badge of honor

While my schedule may look a whole hell of a lot different than it did then, I still lead a busy life. And what I've learned along the way is the importance to find ways to slow down and find some grounding amidst the busy. Because, let's be honest, life isn't mean to be lived running around like a chicken with your head cut off, am I right?

Ready to destress and take away the overwhelm?

Here are some things you can start incorporating into your life right now, girlfriend!



Getting your body moving is the freaking BEST thing you can do to de-stress and start your day off on a beautiful foot! I used to use the "I don't have time" excuse all the time but as soon as I started my at home workouts and was rocking out 30 minutes or less for my whole day for a workout, it became a non-negotiable and all my excuses were busted at the door. I chat about some of my favorite go-tos here!

Wake up 30 minutes earlier. And freaking GET IT IN. Your body, mind and soul will thank you.

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Even amidst a crazy schedule, there are so many opportunities to be mindful. To show up for our lives with intention. 

Be present.

Look deep within and figure out what is important to you.

Decide to live your life on purpose in every way that you CAN. And commit to showing up as the woman you KNOW you were put on this earth to be.

Not sure where to start? Download your FREE copy of 5 Steps to A Mindful Life for a deeper look into how to implement this into your daily life!


There's a reason all great creatives/writers/thinkers have a daily walk as part of their routine. Being outside gives us a break from being at our computers. A way for us to unplug and just BE. 

Bonus? If you have a pup like I do, it's super awesome bonding time and they'll love you forever. 




Call your gal pal that always makes you laugh so hard you pee a little.

Throw yourself a dance party with your dog in the kitchen while making dinner. 

JUST LAUGH. It's an immediate reminder not to take life So seriously and to soak in the present. (And it helps you make faces like this!)




Turn it off an hour before bed and leave it off for the first hour in the morning too. Or at least put it on airplane mode.

We spend so many hours staying constantly connected and it's causing more and more stress to our nervous system and our brain. Soak in that unplugged time and you'll feel less stressed in no time.

(and yes, girl, those emails CAN wait until work hours. And you're not gonna miss anything important on Instagram, I promise.)


What's something you're committing to to start YOUR journey to a less stressed life?

Share in the comments or, if you're looking for some extra accountability and a safe space to go through this process, join our Live on Purpose Facebook community! 

Cheers to living a more intentional and grounded life! You deserve it, babe.

Xo Amanda

p.s. not getting weekly love bombs to your inbox yet? Girl, what are you waiting for?! I dish out allll of the goods there ;)

5 Steps to Loving Yourself From the Inside Out

I've been digging deep lately into the topic of Self Care and it's been a GAME CHANGER for me.

You guys, I used to think that self care was a load of BS, but let me tell ya, when I intentionally make time for the things that light me up, I am in a freaking AMAZING place and even the worst of days don't affect me the way they used to. It's pretty amazing.

When I first started out on my journey to self love, I didn't really know where to start. I thought self care meant Netflix and chill and taking a bath after a long day with a glass of wine.

And don't get me wrong, there is a time and place that all of the above (I spent last night doing JUST that and it was epic), but self care is so much more than that. It's about intentionally spending pockets of your day doing the things that make you feel amazing so that you can show up for the rest of your life (ya know, work, relationships, the works!) in a way that is 100% YOU. 

No more burnt out, overwhelmed, stressed out BS. By implementing these 5 main things into my life, I have been able to completely remove the overwhelm and spend even the busiest of days feeling grounded, inspired and empowered.

And no, it's not magic. Although you KNOW I'm still waiting for my letter to Hogwarts. ;)

This shit is REAL. And things that you can start putting into your life right freaking now. Because you freaking deserve to love yourself from the inside out, girlfriend. So let's get to the good stuff.


I don’t know about you, but my workouts are a HUGE part of my self care practice -- I’m a ragin’ biotch without my endorphins. Anyone else feel me?

But for a long time, I wasn’t making my workouts as priority in my life.

How many times have you skipped your workout because you’re “just too busy” to get it in?

If you aren’t all raising your hand right now, YOU LYIN’. (Ok, I kid, I kid) But for real, I know I used excuse after excuse all the time...

“I just don’t have any time during my crazy day to get my workout in” OR “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow after work” OR “I’m just too dang tired.”

Look, I get it. I hear you, loud and clear. I’ve been there! And I get that going to the gym or that hot new Spin class can take two hours out of your day, and that stinks (and is honestly freaking exhausting). But here’s the thing: You don’t need hours out of your day to get a good workout in. Hell, I don’t even remember the last time I did a workout that lasted longer than 30 minutes. (I'm always just a message away if you're looking for some amazing workout options!)

So, girl, get at least 30 minutes of exercise in! YOU CAN GET IN THIRTY MINUTES.

Let’s BUST those “I’m too busy” excuses and GET IT DONE. If I can do it, so can you ;)


I will say this shit again and again until I'm blue in the face -- diets don't work. Calorie/macro counting is triggering and exhausting. And you DESERVE to never feel restricted in life.

The answer? Whole foods and portion control.

Because of these tools, I'm now living a balanced life where I'm fueling my body with food that is ACTUALLY good for me (and not a raging starving biotch in the process -- because let's be honest, that's exactly what I was when I was on the yo-yo diet cycle of death *cringe*)

Want a sneak peek into a day in the life of eats with Amanda? Check it out here!


I don't know about you, but for soooo long, I would spend every morning looking at myself in the mirror and focusing on what I perceived as "bad". I would suck in my stomach in an attempt to make it flat, stare at my thighs and wonder why they couldn't be smaller & just blatantly make myself feel unworthy and unattractive.

Have you ever felt this way before? 

I cannot tell you how IMPACTFUL positive self-talk has been for me. It is not going to happen overnight (and those thoughts will continue to happen because, hey, we're all human and that inner shit talker is a fiery biotch!), but if you can implement some of these tips into your day, I cannot tell you how much it will change the way you view yourself.


  • When you look in the mirror, focus on what you DO love, not what you don't.
  • Do something that makes you feel on freaking fire. Rock a workout. Throw yourself a dance party. Get out of your head and into you body!
  • Quit the comparison game. I know you do it. We all do. If you are following people on social media that trigger you, stop following them. Or better yet, remember that you don't know their story or how they got themselves to look the way they do. Celebrate your own personal victories and remember that we're all on our journeys -- and where you are right now is exactly where you're supposed to be.


Ok girlfriend, you KNOW that I’m ALL about a giant goofball and seeking JOY every single freaking day. So this clearly had to have a bullet point on it's own :) 

As we grow up, gain responsibilities, stressors, obligations and what not, we lose our sense of PLAY. Remember that unbridled freedom we felt as kids? Freedom to laugh to our hearts content (or until milk came out of our nostrils!), freedom to act like FOOLS and not be worried about other people judging us, FREEDOM TO JUST BE!

I want to challenge you to be SILLY. I feel like so often in life we are “required” to take ourselves seriously and while it is important to do so at times, I think connecting with our inner goofball is NECESSARY for the soul. And this goes for your workouts too! Sometimes I find myself attempting a move and just flat out FLAILING. Anyone else? I used to get so frustrated with myself when I couldn’t “master” something, but I’m working on just keeping on keeping on and learning to LAUGH at myself because, let’s be honest, if someone was watching us during our workouts, I’m sure they’d be giggling right along with us.


  • Jammin' out in the shower to my favorite song and SANGIN' at the top of my lungs!
  • Playing with my pup
  • Sending rah-diculous pictures to my besties!


This is something I did for myself when I started my journey to self care a year ago and it was SO freaking impactful.

So what exactly is a Self Care Basket? It's a basket/box (you can use a shoebox or whatever you have lying around at home!) that you fill with things that make you happy. That make you light up inside when you see it. A box that you can go to for a little self love when you’re feeling those negative thoughts and feelings come your way.

Have FUN with this challenge. Find things around the house // Go to the Dollar Store or Target or TJ Maxx for affordable options! 

And most importantly, I want you to be really intentional with this. What makes me happy is probably different than what really lights YOU up. So really ask yourself, what are the things that make you so freaking happy you could burst ;) 

Here's what I came up with for mine!

And there you have it!

My favorite 5 things to rock out my self care routine!

Which one are you committing to start implementing into your routine this week? Share in the comments below!

Busy Babe's Guide to Meal Prep

Let me guess.

You're two weeks into the new year and you are already starting to see your nutrition.

You had SUCH GOOD INTENTIONS to making this year your healthiest year yet. Losing those last 5-10 lbs. Feeling energized, amazing -- you were gonna SLAYYYYYYYYYY 2017.

But then life happened. And you got busy. And it's cold. And pizza.... I get it. I really do. I was right there with you.

But this year has been different.

For the first time in my adult life, I have come into the new year HAPPY, HEALTHY and so freaking energized. I'm rocking out my goals and feeling like a whole new woman -- and you wanna know why?


I know, I know, this may seem RIDICULOUS. That such a little thing could cause such a major shift. I thought it was ridiculous too! (probably why I didn't actually implement it for so long), but holy shitake mushrooms it has been the number one game changer for my health. 

So here are my top 10 meal prep tips for Busy babes just like you...

1. Have a PLAN

Make a list of your favorite healthy foods, choose simple (and delicious -- duhh) recipes that can be made quickly [Need some ideas? Click here to grab your Free Recipe E-book] and decide what you'll eat for every snack and meal. 

2. Stick to your Grocery List

"Fail to plan, fail to succeed" -- that's my motto when it comes to food shopping. I go into the grocery store with a PLAN. No throwing in those Reese's cups or your favorite chips into the cart -- if you don't have it in the house means you are setting yourself up for success! (PSA: if there is chocolate in the house I WILL EAT IT. haha My hubby knows.) So stick to your list. And hopefully, if you're following a meal plan that promotes balance, your list will have some treats here and there anyways ;)

3. Keep snacks simple

When you're gearing up to make food for the week, it's best to keep snacks simple. Save time by choosing snacks that don't require a lot of time to put together -- my go tos? Fresh fruit with some peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, Shakeology and carrots and hummus! All DELICIOUS!

4. Look for shortcuts

Pre-chopped veggies & fruit (or just fruits that don't need chopping! I love me some apples and bananas), cooked lentils/garbanzo beans are a great complex carb to add to a meal and come ready to rock and tuna packets (in water) are a personal favorite of mine for a quick and easy protein option to throw on a salad or mix in with some avocado :) 

5. Cook everything all at once!

I spend about an hour a week on meal prep and you know how? Because I do it all at once! Roasting veggies, sweet potatoes and even chicken breasts can happen all at the same time -- which not only saves you time but also cuts down your utility bill ;) You know I've got your back.

6. Batch it out!

And better yet? Make big ol' batches of everything so you have plenty of healthy options on hand. Make a large batch of quinoa or brown rice (or whatever whole grain you loooove!) and bake a bunch of chicken breasts/lean meat/ground turkey at once, chop them up and keep them in the fridge for salads and dinners.

7. Pack your meals

Schedule time in your evening to pack your lunch and all of the meals you need for the next day! That way you aren't feeling rushed in the morning // inclined to just "go out to eat since it's easier"

8. Mix it up

I was so worried when I started meal prepping that it would mean eating the same, boring thing every day -- but it doesn't have to be like that! Give yourself OPTIONS throughout the week so that you can mix it up when you're feeling like it! I recommend having at least 2 lunch and dinner options. Start small and make simple changes (like swapping out your protein for dinner!) and once you get the hang of it, you can get more creative in the kitchen.

9. Crockpot that shit

If there's one kitchen appliance I cannot recommend enough, it's my crockpot. It is a lifesaver for busy babes like me and is GREAT for leftovers :) Here's one of my fave recipes from my girl Laura!

10. Remember WHY this is important to you

All of this meal prep -- it's not to make your life HARDER, it's to help you reach your health and fitness goals. To be less tempted to stop for fast food or order takeout. To have MORE TIME to do the things you love with the people that matter to you than spending your evenings cooking away. If you get clear on WHY healthy living is something that is important to you -- on how you WANT to feel, you will be more inclined to keep this meal prep game up -- and give you even more time to Push play and rock your workout ;)

What's YOUR why? Your biggest struggle when it comes to meal prep? I'd love to hear/guide you in the right direction! Share in the comments below or Contact me :) I'm always here for you!

Xo Amanda

p.s. Click the button below for some quick and delicious recipes that I put together just for you! 

How to make your Resolutions STICK this year.

Do you feel like you're constantly putting the same resolution on paper, year after year after year? Or you get SO EXCITED about your resolution to finally lose those pesky 10 lbs, travel more or and come February, have gotten so consumed with your day to day life that you've all but forgotten about it?

I was that gal. Hell, I was WORSE. I would make a bucket list of 50 things I wanted to do that year, would find it 6 months later and feel like a total and complete fuck up because I hadn't done any of it.

But this past year, my entire mindset on new years resolutions and goal setting has completely shifted. Instead of writing a bazillion things down that my Ego told me I should be doing/wanting to do, I have found a system that makes me FEEL GOOD and for once, actually FOLLOW THROUGH. Let's make 2017 AMAZEBALLS, ok?

My Top 3 Tips for Rocking those Resolutions

1. Focus on how you want to FEEL

Take a look at your bucket list -- or any previous resolutions you may have made in the past or are planning to rock out in 2017 -- are they actually things that light you up? Or are you putting join a gym and lose 15 lbs because that's what everyone and their mother writes down for their resolutions...

If you are doing that, know that it's TOTALLY NORMAL. I did that for years and of course, I never actually followed through with my resolutions. And I now realize that it's because they weren't things that actually made me EXCITED. 

So how do we choose resolutions that are actually in line with how we want to feel? I've come up with 5 questions that I ask myself every year that help me figure out how I want to FEEL -- and then base my resolutions on those answers!

  • Other than time or money, what I want more of is...
  • My joy comes from...
  • I crave...
  • When I'm feeling free and strong, I tend to...
  • I need to give myself more permission to be...

Dig deep. Be honest with yourself. You'll be surprised at what comes out. And based on your answers, think about how you want to feel in the various areas of your life. For example: for my lifestyle/work life I want to feel FREE, for my body/wellness I want to feel STRONG, for my creativity/learning I want to feel VIBRANT, for my relationships I want to feel CONNECTED and for my inner work/spirituality I want to feel GROUNDED

+Read more about how to make intentions vs. goals here

+ Wanna really dig deep? Check out The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte. It was a game changer for me!

2. Create a Visual

Once you've figured out resolutions that are in line with how you want to feel, your next step is to create a vision board.

I know, I know, this may seem super hokey -- trust me, I bashed it for years -- but I actually did one this year and you know what? I ended the year having achieved almost every single thing on there. Visuals are KEY to success. So often we write something down on a piece of paper or our journal, never to be found again. Writing it down and putting it somewhere you can see every dang day is going to bring you SO MUCH CLOSER to achieving it because it's always in the forefront of your brain. (And finding pictures is just so fun and bright sooo vision boards are the best)

Not a crafty queen and love the shit out of Pinterest? 

Make a board on there and set a reminder in your phone to come back to it every week! 

3. Find a Support Squad

This. This has been the key for me.

On my search to find a way to live my dream life, I found a girl on Instagram that shared her story about how she got out of her funk, was able to build a healthy relationship with food and was able to in the span of a year, quit her full time job and work for herself on her own terms. I joined one of her virtual health & wellness bootcamps (you know, to fulfill those fitness resolutions I could never stick to) and realized I was missing out on the magic the support of these other amazing women (just like me!) provided. I instantly fell in love with the atmosphere and knew I wanted to duplicate this sense of community, which is why I host monthly Bootcamps as well. 

Over the past year, the women in these groups have become more to me than just fitness pals. They've become my tribe. My endless support squad. My cheerleaders on good days and bad. They're women who immediately get me. Who are going through the same things as me. And having an intimate support system and accountability group like this has been the missing link I needed all along.

A lot of people, when I share what I'm doing, don't get how it's possible to form such strong bonds with women who I've never met. Women who live all around North American -- scattered in places like Illinois, Florida, Colorado, Washington and Canada to name a few. But when you spend a month, 3 months, a year working on finding your best self alongside a group of women like these, you can't help but form a bond unlike anything else. And man oh man does the motivation never end. 

I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for these groups. I've lost 15 lbs and actually been able to maintain it BEYOND January of last year (which is a first for me). I've formed a healthy relationship with food for the first time in years and I can honestly say that all of the things I used to deal with every single day -- the self bashing while staring at my body in the mirror, my debilitating anxiety, feeling just BLAH and unconfident -- all those things have disappeared and I've found the confident, radiant and energized version of myself that I never want to let go of. Because she freaking kicks ass.

So there you have it.

My 3 best tips for rocking those resolutions aka having the most kickass 2017 of all time. 

Quit settling for the status quo. Stop allowing yourself to go on automatic pilot all over again in a months time. Decide that from this moment forward, you will actively go after a life that makes you literally excited to jump out of the bed. 

Commit to a year of YOU. (And if you're worried about that making you selfish, giiiiirl, read this.) And I guarantee, you will end 2017 feeling on FIRE. 

Ok my lady, I wanna know what YOUR goals are for 2017! Let's hold each other accountable ;)

Share them in the comments below or message me -- I love love love getting emails hearing all about your life!

Happy New Year, my loves.

Xo Amanda

My Latest Obsession

If you follow my Facebook page, you know that I've been doing something a little different with my workouts for the month of July. Normally, I need a super specific schedule for my workouts -- working through a complete program (like the 21 day Fix!) has been the only way I have been able to fully COMMIT to something so the idea of switching things up for me was suuuuper scary and intimidating. 

That being said, I am always up for pushing my boundaries and after completing 22 minute Hard Corps, I decided I would do the Beachbody on Demand Challenge du Jour. 

What's Beachbody on Demand? Only the greatest thing since Netflix.

But for realsies. It's basically like Netflix for Beachbody on Demand...what?! Crazy sauce. And every day, there is a Challenge of the Day posted that you can join in on the fun with! So, I figured I'd check it out and you GUYS, it's been such a fucking blast. 

I figured I'd share a sneak peek of what my first 5 days looked like!!! I will say that not every workout was my favorite, but I really liked getting to check out different programs and while I thought the element of surprise would stress me out, I actually liked getting up every morning and going OK, what do you got for me today, BOD? 

Awesome. Sauce.


Day 1: Cize Live

Workout style: Hip Hop Cardio dance FOR THE WIN. This shit was SOOOO MUCH FUN. I was laughing, I was making weird faces & I didn't care that I probably looked ridiculous because I was getting such an amazing workout and having FUN while doing it. That's what it should be all about, am I right?!

Info: 30 minutes, no equipment needed

Verdict: LOVED it, so so much. Got SUPAH sweaty & burned a solid 300 calories. What whaaaat.

Day 2: Hammer Power

Workout Style: This was a really solid strength workout and holy shiiiit could I feel it the next day. This particular workout was all about a small amount of reps with heavier weights. If you're looking to really sculpt your bod, Hammer & Chisel is definitely where it's at. Can't wait to try this program in full :) 

Info: 40 minutes, a set of lighter weights (I used 8-10 lbs) and a set of medium weights (I used 12.5-15 lbs) and a resistance band or towel for the warmup!

Verdict: Other than Sagi's annoying voice (HA!), I really loved pushing myself. I used to be sooo terrified that working with heavier weights would make me bulk up, but after starting to up my weights, it's only helped me tone up, get leaner and above all, get stronger! Really think I'm going to have to give this program a whirl.

Day 3: Rev Abs

Workout: Usually ab work is not the toughest for me, but man oh man did I LOVE this one. My abs were being fired in places they don't usually feel it and I also really loved that there was some cardio mixed in to keep it interesting. A solid ab workout FOR SURE.

Info: 40 minutes, one medium weight needed (I used 10 lbs)

Verdict: If you're looking for something that's focused on core work, this one's pretty good. I will say that I liked the Core workouts from 22 minute hard corps much more and those were significantly shorter workouts so overall, not my favorite, but it was fun to checkout!

Day 4: 22 Minute Hard Corps

Workout: Short, intense and holy balls was I SWEATING by the end of it. Never thought 22 minutes could give such a solid workout. This one was Cardio 1 from the program (which I have done before!) and I still love it as much as I did when I started it. Bootcamp feel, military inspired, FAST.

Info: 22 minutes in length, this particular one you didn't need any equipment but for the resistance workouts, you need a set of weights (I used 8/10 lbs) and a resistance band.

Verdict: Still love this program as much as I did when I started it. Definitely going to keep it in my repertoire :)

Day 5: PiYo Lower Body

Workout: High intensity musically driven workout, using the fundamentals of Pilates and Yoga but with dynamic movements to get your heart racing! (Aka definitely NOT yoga -- you do burpees and shit in Piyo! Haha)

Info: 30 minutes in length, all you need is a yoga mat and yourself!

Verdict: I am a PiYo Junkie, so I knew I'd love this one. I actually got certified a few months ago to teach this as a fitness class because I love the program so much. It's amazing because it's a perfect balance of stretch, strength and agility, and you don't need any equipment to do it so I can literally take my workout to the park with me if I want (which I do!!)


Wanna join in on the fun with the

Challenge du Jour?


CONTACT ME and say "Hey girl! Let's be Challenge Du Jour accoutability buddies!" and I'll hook you up with a link to get started for free!