Spiced Tuna Steaks

Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know, this TUNA WOULD BE FIYAHHH.

Ok, ok, all Britney sangin' aside, I've been experimenting a bunch in the kitchen lately because of this amazeballs new meal plan I've been rocking in my Live Your F*ck YES Life challenge!!!

YES, it's a meal plan, but I'm really calling it more of a "fuel plan". It's based on portions and macros and my body has been feeling IN-FUCKING-CREDIBLE. 

I'm allll about intuitive eating and listening to your body, but this type A recovering perfectionist is also ALL about some structure when it comes to my nutrition or else the binge monster comes out to play. So this has been HUGE. And the food is SO FREAKING DELICIOUS.

My mindless snacking is gone, bloating GONE, my skin has cleared up and I not once have felt like I was "on a diet" or "eating clean". You know how much I hate that shiz.


Eat shiz that is GOOD for you, and lots of it. 

The weight loss, JOY in your heart and energy is just a rocking side effect ;)

And this bad boy is officially becoming a staple at the Loy household -- you KNOW I'm all about those omega 3s and it's hubby approved sooooo it's staying.



Serves 4, Prep and Cook time: 25 minutes



4 raw tuna steaks (approx. 1 inch in thickness)

4 cloves garlic, crushed or minced

2 tsp. lemon zest

2 tbsp olive oil

2 fresh tarragon sprigs, chopped

Sea Salt and pepper to taste



  1. Preheat broiler or grill on high

  2. Combine garlic, lemon, tarragon in a bowl and mix well.

  3. Season tuna with salt and pepper. Drizzle with oil & rub spice mixture on the top of tuna steaks.

  4. Grill or broil tuna for 2-4 minutes on each side, or until desired doneness. (I personally like mine a bit more on the rare side so 2 mins per side was perfect!)

  5. Serve with your fave greens & some complex carbs for a full and delicious meal!