
What is Beachbody Coaching?

If you’ve spent any time with me in the past few months, you’ve probably been subjected to a non-stop gushfest on Beachbody, Coaching, and Shakeology. I can't help it you guys, I'm just too stinkin' happy not to share!

I am literally so freaking happy with my decision to become an independent Team Beachbody coach. It has truly changed my life in just a few short months. I am happier. Healthier. And more in touch with what I want out of life than I have ever been. So I thought it was high time I shared a little more about what it’s all about!

I came into this opportunity knowing five things about myself:

1. I am hugely passionate about health and fitness.

2. Nothing makes me happier than using my life experiences to help other people make positive changes in their lives.

3. I love sharing my passions and connecting with others.

4. I am motivated by a challenge.

5. If there is a way to make a hobby or passion into a side business, I am ALL ABOUT THAT.

Since December, I have led dozens of amazing, motivated women through the 21 Day Fix, and everyone who has committed to the program has seen REEEEDONKULOUS results! And not JUST physically, but also mentally. It's been SO FREAKING INSPIRATIONAL. And I am am completely in love with running Challenge Groups, sharing my experiences, and motivating others to help take the first step towards their fitness goals!


The company

Ok, so I am extremely skeptical of "get rich quick"/ "too good to be true" schemes and am majorly turned off by hard-sell tactics and the network marketing model in general because, let's just say I've have had some super uncomfy experiences in the past where people have been incredibly pushy and scammy and I'm just NOT ABOUT THAT. So you can imagine I did a shit-ton of research before signing up, just to make sure that there weren't strings attached to this coaching business. 

My Conclusion: Nope, no strings attached. No overhead. No requirements to buy OR sell anything. Basically no risk, but unlimited potential for growth if you really want to take your business to the top. The structure and tools are there, you just get to plug in and see where you want to take it with the time that you have to set aside. And when I saw that what I'd get to be doing is building relationships with genuine, like minded women and helping other people achieve their goals and enjoy healthy, fulfilling lives, I was IN. 

The more I learn about Beachbody as a company, the more confident I am in this organization. Not only are the products incredible and actually WORK, but the integrity of the company itself is unreal. Founded in 1998, Beachbody at its core is an American health and fitness brand that is famous for its renowned and results-oriented at-home fitness programs created by celebrity trainers. Have you ever seen an infomercial for P90X or Insanity? Yup, that's Beachbody. 

And the best thing?!?! Anyone can sign up to be a coach. Whether you are a complete fitness newbie or a freaking personal trainer, doctor/lawyer/teacher/actor (*cough* me *cough*), if you have lost 50 pounds or have 50 pounds to lose, if you want some extra accountability, want to help others, want some extra income to supplement your full time salary, or want to be the Girlboss of your OWN biz and work on your OWN terms.


What do Beachbody coaches do?

-They love Beachbody products (Shakeology and fitness programs) because the products work. And Shakeology is addicting...Seriously, I call it my magical unicorn shake. It deserves its own blog post.

-They use their STORY to share with others who might also benefit.

-They run these super FUN online Challenge Groups -- aka support and accountability groups with likeminded peeps that GET YOU.

-Coaches are committed to building relationships, and making sure that each client has the most successful experience possible and moves at least one step forward towards reaching their ultimate health goals -- whether that is to simply gain a little muscle tone, lose 100+ pounds or is wanting to develop a healthier relationship with food. There is LITERALLY a program for everyone, no matter your fitness background or level!

-Coaches do some sort of "personal development" every single day, to make sure they are constantly striving to become the best version of themselves possible in every aspect of life. We're not just working out robot machines! We also spend time every day working on buidling a positive inner relationship with ourselves! 

The only actual financial commitment? A $15/month coaching fee to maintain your websites/so you don't have to do all the super boring and taxing shit like shipping/packaging/etc. And then you get a 25% discount on anything, and get all the incredible opportunity for support, love & accountability!

When you become a coach, you are essentially starting your OWN health and fitness-based business. You're not an employee of the company, but you become an independent distributor, which is kind of like being a contractor. You get to use the Beachbody as a PLATFORM to launch YOUR dreams of becoming a Badass Girl Boss, just by sharing what you LOVE and helping others make positive changes in THEIR lives. It's freaking awesome.

And the best bonus of all? You get to join our goofy #TeamInspireJoy Family and have an immediate community of gals who just GET YOU and will become your best friends. 


What I’ve gained through becoming a "coach":

-The confidence to OWN who I am.

-Motivation to stick to my own workouts and nutrition.

-Friendships with authentic and amazing women around the country who are just like me.

-The ability to believe that my dreams ARE possible.

-The ability to help women to gain confidence, feel strong and empowered, re-define their relationship with food, and to be able to be that tiny burst of light and support in someone else's life.

-A FAMILY of gorgeous gals on my team who share my exact same values and passions.

- A flexible schedule to run my own business on MY OWN TERMS, and make a side income through doing what I love.

-I'm living and breathing my philosophy every single day: Eat more, eat better, ENJOY life, “treats not cheats,” Balance is key & that the key to JOYFUL LIVING is to do something that lights you up inside, every single day.


I have also been able to meet ladies who are just like me and mentor them as coaches on my own team, and it feels like going into business with my best friends. It's incredible how you just feel that CLICK when you put your heart out there. You end up crossing paths with people who just get you. I don't even know how to really describe it. I've never experienced something like it before.


Coaching is that “thing” that I didn’t even know I was missing. A path that is bringing all aspects of my life into one clear focus. I guess you know that you’ve found your passion when you're doing something that you literally can’t stop thinking or talking about. That lights a FIRE in your soul. 

If your soul is CRAVING something more out of life, or you're just looking for a COMMUNITY of genuine and loving ladies who will support you along your health & fitness journey, this opportunity might just be for you.


And if you're still reading this, well, GIRL, this is clearly a sign and what the heck are you waiting for? 


Wanna get join in on the fun?

I would be STOKED to chat more with you about your health & fitness (heck, and LIFE) goals and help you take the first step! Whether it's losing those pesky last 5 pounds, feeling confident in your own skin, learning how to fuel your body through healthy eating and proper portion control, do a full fledged push up, overcome your emotional eating habits, or being able to finally truly LOVE yourself from the inside out. You are NOT alone. I've been there and I've had so many ladies in my Groups who have dealt with ALL of these things too. 

If you wanna join in on my next Challenge Group:

If you're super passionate about Healthy living and want to learn more about how you can pay it forward and create a side business through helping others (and yourself!), please don't hesitate to reach out! I'm obviously so freaking stoked about this opportunity and would LOVE to chat about it with you some more. You can learn more about our mission HERE

Xo Amanda

25 Intentions for my 25th Year

I was reading through old journals of mine -- all my journalers out there, have you ever done this? Gone back over journals from YEARS ago? It's a pretty mind blowing experience. If you haven't ever taken the time to do it, have a little fun and take a look. It's a pretty enlightening (and weird!) experience. OK, there I go again, getting off track like always. Let's try this again.

I was reading through old journals of mine...and I realized that I used to have this habit of every year, on my birthday, writing down a List (a Bucket list if you will) on what I wanted to accomplish that year of my life. Well, it's been about a month since I turned 25, and I realized that for the first time of my adult life, I didn't make a list. 

If you read my post on New Years Resolutions, you already know that I'm a recovering Goal Setter // List Maker. For the past few months, I've been focusing on making Intentions based on how I want to FEEL and I guess that without realizing it, it's become a part of me. 

Turns out that when we actively incorporate things into our daily lives, they become HABITS.


And so, in the spirit of me being a quarter century old, I am going to resurrect my List making skills, but put my new spin on it -- instead of a list of 25 Goals, here are my 25 Intentions based on me wanting to feel:  Joyful, Vibrant, Strong, Grounded & Free. 

1. Be Courageously Authentic.

2. Read something every day that fuels my mind.

3. Be in the best shape of my life.

4. Spend more time doing the things that light me up, with the people that make me laugh.

5. Fill my surroundings at home with comfort, beauty, and love, physically and energetically. 

6. Allow myself to express myself creatively in a myriad of fun and enjoyable ways, including knitting, writing and painting.

7. Adventure somewhere new.

8. Up my weights for my workouts.

9. Dare to dream, and always remain open to new possibilities.

10. Spend every single day practicing gratitude.

11. See the humor in every situation & try not to take myself too seriously! 

12. Teach LIVE fitness classes.

13. Make "me" time and every day priority.

14. Approach every situation with grace & kindness. Shout out to ma girl Amy E. Smith from The Joy Junkie for this one. 

15. Do Yoga, at least once a week.

16. Drink Shakeology every single day. 

17. Climb trees, often

18. Feel real self love for myself, and inspire others to feel loving towards themselves

19. Transition over to all natural skincare / bath products.

20. Grow my Business to a full time salary.

21. Spend at least 20 minutes of connected time with my Hubby.

22. Live a balanced life, giving quality and attention to the most important things in my life. 

23. Spend more time in Nature.

24. Be patient with myself and the world around me when things don't go "according to plan"

25. Express my true, authentic self -- always living in alignment with my values and vision.


So there ya have it. My 25 Intentions for my 25th year. 

It's amazing how different I feel even just writing these out compared to my previous list of goals -- I always felt that there was no way I could actually achieve the goals I set out for myself because, more often than not, they would be things that I felt like I was "supposed" to be doing or trying, instead of things that would actually bring me the feelings I so crave in life. And so often, I would come back to my goal list a year later and feel like a failure because half of what I'd set out to do, I hadn't accomplished.

This list. These intentions. When I look at them, I experience excitement, not anxiety. These are things that light me up inside & make me feel amazing. 


Are you a Goal setter or Intention maker?

If you're a Goal setter like I've been my whole life, try making your list this way and see if that shifts things for you --if when you truly listen to how you want to FEEL and you base your intentions on that, you put things on that list that you would have never thought to before. Nothing is too small or seemingly unimportant to add if it brings you what you crave in life. 

Try it, I Dare ya. 

And let me know how you feel afterwards. This is something new I'm trying and would love to know your thoughts too! 


Xo Amanda

My Soul is on Fire

Okay. I don't even know where to start here, because holy shit is my HEART and my SOUL on fire right now. I am finally doing something with my life that feels so right. My days are filled with butterflies. My heart is the happiest it's been in a LONG time and it's because I had the courage to  say yes to an amazing and life changing opportunity.

For those of you who don't know, a couple of months ago, I took a big leap of faith and decided to become a Team Independent Beachbody coach -- what does this mean? It means that I spend my days encouraging incredible & brave women to make positive changes in their lives by taking control of their health. To be the best versions of themselves -- body, mind & soul. In just my two months of coaching, I have met some of the most inspiring, courageous and genuine women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing through my Challenge Groups. Women from all walks of life who have decided to start taking care of themselves and lead a kick-ass life. And, above all, I've found my TRIBE -- my team of badass coaches who have quickly become my family. 

This past weekend, I attended the Chicago Super Saturday, which is a quarterly regional live event for coaches. I got to meet Autumn Calabrese (my celebrity trainer Girl Crush) & hear some incredibly inspirational speeches focused on leadership and personal development. It was amazing getting to be in a room full of people who share my passion and drive -- the community aspect of it all is insane. And I got to experience it all with some of my team -- ladies who I immediately click with from the get go -- it's like having instant new Besties! What could be better?

My Biggest Takeaway?

Share Your Story Because It Matters.

Yes, you. Your story. It matters. What you've been through. What you've learned through your journey in this crazy adventure we call life. No matter where you are or how far away you are from reaching your goals, you are on your way and THAT is a beautiful thing. And if there's one thing I've learned through my own adventure, it's that Sharing your successes and our struggles is so important. Blogging has been so good for keeping me accountable to keep doing just that!

So get out there and SHARE YOUR STORY. Put yourself out there. You never know who's listening that needs to know that they are not alone. Be Brave. Be Bold. And above all, Be You. 

Xo, Amanda