Why I think the celery juice craze is a bunch of bullshit



For the longest time, food consumed my life. I was OBSESSED with every diet trend — the celery juice craze y’all know I’m SOOOO in love with? I would have 100% been on that train a few years back.

I had convinced that the only way that I could be “healthy” was to eat bird food and rock every diet trend in sight (which caused my mental health and bank account to suffer REAL quick), and eating quickly became my least favourite activity because it truly controlled my life.

Not to mention it led to years of yo yo-ing like crazy.

Why I’m so AGAINST the trendy diets and health hacks like celery juice? They more often than not ‘cause our bodies to go into distress and lead to the inverse of our intentions: OVEREATING.

Do you struggle with this too? You are SO not alone.

Now I am NOT saying this is true for everyone on the planet. We ALLLLL have different needs and triggers. But I know my gals, my overachieving all or nothing, yo yo dieter babes. If you’re not that and don’t struggle with this shiz, move on sistah ;) But if this resonates hard core, this is for YOU.

Here are 3 tools you can incorporate TODAY to BREAK FREE of your overeating habits:

  1. EAT ALL THE FOOD GROUPS. Yup, I said it. When you cut out foods (especially food groups all together), your body literally goes into deprivation mode. Instead of eliminating foods all together, try adding MORE healthy, nutritious foods into your daily eats, while also giving yourself the freedom to enjoy a treat here and there.

  2. REDUCE STRESS. Stress is the leading cause to overeating (chronic stress increases the levels of cortisol in our brains, a hormone that increases our appetite) so there is a DIRECT link between stress and overeating. Find simple ways to reduce the stress in your life — exercise, meditation and breathing techniques are some of my faves!

  3. FILL UP ON VEGGIES. There’s a reason mom always told you to eat your vegetables. Veggies are the food group that have the highest amount of fiber (and water) at the lowest caloric intake, so you can eat a shizzz ton of them and stay full and satisfied for longer. Plus you get the added benefit of all the those amazeballs nutrients ;)

Can you commit to even just ONE of these tools?

Which one are you gonna try?

Or is there something else that works for you?

Xo Amanda