yo yo dieting

Episode #57: Why Celery Juice is a Load of Bullshit | A Solo Episode



For the longest time, food consumed my life. I was OBSESSED with every diet trend — the celery juice craze y’all are sooooo in love with? I would have 100% been on that train a few years back.

I had convinced that the only way that I could be “healthy” was to eat bird food and rock every diet trend in sight (which caused my mental health and bank account to suffer REAL quick), and eating quickly became my least favourite activity because it truly controlled my life.

Not to mention it led to years of yo yo-ing like crazy.

Why I’m so AGAINST the trendy diets and health hacks like celery juice? They more often than not ‘cause our bodies to go into distress and lead to the inverse of our intentions: OVEREATING.

Do you struggle with this too? You are SO not alone.

Now I am NOT saying this is true for everyone on the planet. We ALLLLL have different needs and triggers. But I know my gals, my overachieving all or nothing, yo yo dieter babes. If you’re not that and don’t struggle with this shiz, move on sistah ;) But if this resonates hard core, this episode is for YOU.

Things I tackle in todays episode:

  • How this trend has become so huge without any science backing it up

  • How this craze reflects a lack in critical thinking happening in society

  • The power of the placebo effect

  • My own history overcoming chronic eczema

  • Debunking the myth of this craze

Episode #15: Healing your hormones and saying what's on your mind with Jess from Wholly Healed



"80% of hormone and thyroid issues could be solved with feeding your body well and lowering stress."

Jess is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach specializing in Functional Endocrinology and Mind/Body Nutrition. She empowers women in their quest to wholeness through healing solutions rooted in Integrative Care. You'll often find her lifting heavy things in the gym, trying to pet stranger's dogs, or writing some sass-filled #hormonehacks or #tabootuesday's on Instagram. She is passionate about helping women heal their hormones, break free of restrictive dieting, and feel at home in their bodies.

Here are a few things we discussed in today’s episode:

  • Her journey from yo yo dieting to wholistic health and self love
  • She breaks it down with her science knowledge bombs and shares not just WHAT to do but WHY it's important to support our overall health
  • Her experience with hypothyroidism, what it is and why 1 in 3 women have it
  • The importance of advocating for yourself and your health
  • Which programs/diets to stay away from when it comes to women's health
  • The best foods to eat to heal your hormones and your gut
  • Taboo tuesdays and getting nitty gritty with the "uncomfortable" 
  • 3 simple steps you can take to heal your hormones right away


Jess's Website / Blog / Instagram 

Busy Babe's Guide to Healthy Living Ebook

Why I Quit Birth Control Blog Post



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