My Venture into Natural Beauty Products

If you've been an avid blog reader of mine, you know how important my health is to me. I spent so many years of early adulthood not truly understanding what it meant to be healthy. What foods (and how much of those foods) I should be consuming. I seriously thought that carbs were evil. Not allowed. That cardio was the most effective form of exercise and that I should be doing it every single day. I didn't know. I read all of these articles from countless magazines searching for that "magic cure" to get my thighs not to touch, to get that six pack that I'd always thought was the definition of being "fit". You can read more about My Story but, ultimately, when it came down to it, it took me really listening to my body and trying out various programs before I really knew what my body needed. 

And because of programs like the 21 Day Fix, I now can truly say that for the first time in my adult life, my relationship to food is healthy. That I am properly fueling my body with the right kinds of foods. That my cravings have completely disappeared. That I don't feel the need to step on the scale every single day and see if it's moved. That I am never, ever hungry (which, for those of you who know me intimately know how much of a WIN that is for me). And I am the most fit I have ever been in my life, and hell noooo do I have a six pack. Can I do a shit ton of burpees and swing some heavy ass kettle bells? You bet your ass I can. So in terms of internal health, I am finally starting to figure this shit out. And I am happier and more full of energy than I have ever been.

But what I was realizing was that I wasn't giving the same amount of love to myself on the outside. What do I mean by that? I mean my skin. The skin is the body's largest organ and absorbs what you put into it. Why did I never realize how important it is to know what's inside the products I use? Being aware of what of what ingredients were in my creams, my shampoos, my deodorant, my face wash...everything! I had no stinking' clue. Nobody had ever said, 'hey, you probably don't want to be using that cream. It has a buuuunch of ingredients in there that are super toxic.' -- I'd been using Herbal Essences shampoos and dove deodorant my entire life and it didn't kill me, right? What's the big deal? 

Well, here's the thing. It is a big deal. And as it turns out, I have been putting awful toxins in my body without even being aware of it for my entire life.

I found out a few years back that I could have the cancer gene. The only reason I don't know the answer to that? Well, I'm scared shitless to find out. I mean, if you could take a blood test that would tell you if you had a 75% greater likelihood of developing cancer by the time you're 60, wouldn't you be terrified to find out? Because once you know, you know. And I imagine that it would start to feel like a ticking time bomb, slowly eating away at you...your thoughts just waiting for the cancer to show it's nasty face. Am I going to get tested? Yes. Hopefully, this year actually. (Stay tuned for that) The way I see it, I'd rather know so that I can do everything in my power to prevent it than be constantly sitting in the dark. But, in the meantime, I decided to start actively using skin and beauty products that are toxin free. I'm not 100% perfect about the -- I still am working to find a shampoo that I like that doesn't leave my hair feeling perpetually greasy. 

But these products are some of the BEST I've discovered and best of all? All natural, all safe ingredients. 

** I am in no way affiliated with LUSH, I just happen to LOOOVE their products**


The Dream Cream from LUSH

This cream is seriously the best thing I have ever invested in. The entire pot is $27.95 and it usually lasts me anywhere from 4-6 months. I grew up with seriously awful eczema on my hands, and perpetually dry skin. I tried every cream you could possibly find at the drugstore, even prescription creams from my doctor and nothing worked. The Dream Cream made my skin completely clear, smooth and soft. And it has continued to do so for the past two years. Main ingredients are oat milk, lavender, chamomile and olive oil. 

Do yourself a favor and buy this. It's a lifesaver. 

Ultrabland from LUSH

I hate washing my face. I have really dry skin and I just have never been able to find a cleanser that makes my skin feel fresh & clean but also moisturized. Enter Ultrabland from LUSH. Now I will say that this is a more recent addition to my daily regiment, but holy wow do I love this stuff. It leaves my skin feeling refreshed and my dry spots are gone. Main ingredients are almond oil, rose water, honey and beeswax. 

All Natural Soap

So this should have been a no brainer for me but for some reason it really wasn't something I started doing until I came across this bar of soap in this little store in the middle of nowhere Michigan. I read the ingredients and I was like "ahhh I understand all of these!" And there are so many stores around nowadays that carry stuff like this. So find a scent you love and go to town!

Tom's Deodorant

Tom's is one of the few brands I've found that is all natural, aluminum free AND affordable. A stick is $4.99 and they now have a bunch of different scents -- my favorite is the lavender. It took a week or so for my body to adjust to not having all of the extra crap in my previous deodorant and I was a bit smellier for it, but after that, I apply it in the morning after my showers and I'm good to go.

Mask of Magnaminty from LUSH

I have lately been ALL about Face masks. Seriously, don't know how I lived without them. Never going back. And the Mask of Magnaminty is my all-time favourite. The small pot ($13.95) is really all you need if you're only doing it once a week or so. And it smells just like mint chocolate chip ice cream -- WIN. Just don't eat it. Trust me, I tried it. Not the best decision. Main ingredients: Kaolin, honey, peppermint.


All of this is to say, do your research & know what you're putting on your body. Read the ingredients of the things you use every day and make sure that you're being safe! You'd be surprised. Click here for an excellent article on the ingredients you should avoid. Your body will thank you, I promise!

Our Adventure In Making LemonGrass & Basil Pork Tenderloin

My hubby and I are huge foodies (if you can't tell by all of the recipes I post!!), and for Christmas, he got me this amazing gift called Foodie Dice & we finally decided to put them to good use and holy wow was this meal amaze-balls!!!!

Basically, how it works, is that you get a variety of wooden dice, each belonging to a different category (protein, side dish, veggie, spice, extra ingredient etc.) And then you just ROLL the dice and it tells what ingredients to use for your next meal. Simple, fun, and it makes making dinner together an adventure! 

So we hopped in the car, went to the store to buy all the ingredients, and THIS is what we created :) Seriously, I've been eating leftovers from this meal for the past two days and it still hasn't gotten old. Definitely going to be a new staple in our house!


Makes approx. 4 servings


- Pork tenderloin (we got a 2 lb one but really any size will work)

- 1 stalk Lemongrass, minced

- Garlic cloves, crushed (the more the merrier, as far as I'm concerned)

- A handful of basil leaves, minced

- 4 Tbsp Olive Oil

- Pinch of Sea Salt

Optional side ingredients:

- Large Sweet potato, peeled and sliced

- 2 parsnips, peeled and sliced

- 1 cup Quinoa


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In small bowl, combine olive oil, lemongrass, garlic, basil and sea salt. Once mixed thoroughly, place a thick coat on top of the pork. Let sit for 5 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, combine the sweet potato and parsnips in a large bowl. Drizzle some olive oil and remaining garlic over top & then place the veggies onto a cookie sheet covered in aluminum foil.

3. Place pork into casserole dish & cover it. Place pork and veggies into the oven until pork has reached an internal temperature of 145 degrees F, and no longer has a pink centre. (About 30 minutes per pound) Make sure to keep an eye on the veggies -- we like them a bit crispy on the outside, so I tend to leave them in a bit longer!

4. About 15 minutes before the pork is ready to come out, start cooking your quinoa. Combine quinoa and 2 cups of water into a pot over high heat. Once it boils, reduce heat to low and place the lid on top of the pot, leaving it slightly ajar.


Annnnd Presto! Your meal is complete and oh so delicious!

Would love to know how you liked it! Leave your comments below!

My Soul is on Fire

Okay. I don't even know where to start here, because holy shit is my HEART and my SOUL on fire right now. I am finally doing something with my life that feels so right. My days are filled with butterflies. My heart is the happiest it's been in a LONG time and it's because I had the courage to  say yes to an amazing and life changing opportunity.

For those of you who don't know, a couple of months ago, I took a big leap of faith and decided to become a Team Independent Beachbody coach -- what does this mean? It means that I spend my days encouraging incredible & brave women to make positive changes in their lives by taking control of their health. To be the best versions of themselves -- body, mind & soul. In just my two months of coaching, I have met some of the most inspiring, courageous and genuine women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing through my Challenge Groups. Women from all walks of life who have decided to start taking care of themselves and lead a kick-ass life. And, above all, I've found my TRIBE -- my team of badass coaches who have quickly become my family. 

This past weekend, I attended the Chicago Super Saturday, which is a quarterly regional live event for coaches. I got to meet Autumn Calabrese (my celebrity trainer Girl Crush) & hear some incredibly inspirational speeches focused on leadership and personal development. It was amazing getting to be in a room full of people who share my passion and drive -- the community aspect of it all is insane. And I got to experience it all with some of my team -- ladies who I immediately click with from the get go -- it's like having instant new Besties! What could be better?

My Biggest Takeaway?

Share Your Story Because It Matters.

Yes, you. Your story. It matters. What you've been through. What you've learned through your journey in this crazy adventure we call life. No matter where you are or how far away you are from reaching your goals, you are on your way and THAT is a beautiful thing. And if there's one thing I've learned through my own adventure, it's that Sharing your successes and our struggles is so important. Blogging has been so good for keeping me accountable to keep doing just that!

So get out there and SHARE YOUR STORY. Put yourself out there. You never know who's listening that needs to know that they are not alone. Be Brave. Be Bold. And above all, Be You. 

Xo, Amanda

Shrimp Tacos

If you've been following my blog, you know that things have been a little stressful in the Loy household as of late. Hooray for water damage! (...Said nobody ever) So when I knew that my husband and I both had the night off, I decided to put my worries about all this into something productive -- cooking! I love coming up with new & healthy recipes and trying them on my husband. He is the most honest person I've ever known so I always know that when he says it's good, he means it! And this one got 5 gold stars. He even asked when we could have it again. If that's not a win, I don't know what is!

The best part? This took me a total of 30 minutes, prep and cook time together! Delicious, quick and fun to eat -- that can't be beat. (See what I did there? I'm a rhyming queen, guys.)


Makes 2 Servings (4 tacos total)


- 10 Raw Shrimp

- 4 Corn Tortilla Shells

- 1/4 Small Spanish or White Onion, chopped

- 1/2 Avocado, sliced

- Sprinkle of Chopped Purple Cabbage

- 1/2 Lemon

- 1 Tbsp Olive Oil

- 1 Tsp Cumin

- 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder

- Ground Pepper

- Sea Salt


Peel & devein raw shrimp. Rinse under cold water.

Combine oil, spices, and lemon juice from lemon in bowl and combine with shrimp. Make sure shrimp is coated with the spice mix.

Sautee onion in a little olive oil on medium-high heat. In separate pan on medium heat, place tortilla shell down for one minute and then flip. Repeat for all four tortilla shells. This heats them up nicely for you!

Once onions are translucent, add shrimp to pan. Cook about 2 minutes per side.

Add your shrimp and onion mix onto your taco shell, topping with avocado & purple cabbage for some extra crunch and voila, your taco is ready to be devoured!




How To Stay Positive When Shit Hits The Fan

No matter what you do to set yourself up for success, sometimes life happens and shit just doesn't go the way you'd planned. Can it suck? Hell yes. Do you have your "why does this have to happen to ME" moment and feel all of those feelings and maybe cry a bit into a big chunky blanket while eating copious amounts of chocolate? Been there, done that. But what I've found has been a game changer in my life has been choosing to move forward and live life with a positive outlook, even (and especially) when the hard times are happening. 

The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind for me. Christmas is my favorite time of year, hands down. Seriously, guys, I'm a little obsessed. It's unnatural. And I was so happy I was able to spend Christmas with my family this year (being an actor, I don't always have the luxury of doing so), but let's just say that things did not end up how I had anticipated. My hubby and I rarely get to spend substantial time in my hometown with my family, and we were so looking forward to having our second Christmas with my parents, my brother and my extended family. Unfortunately, we were in for a rude awakening when we received news from our neighbor that our new condo was experiencing a major leak. And I'm not talking a small drip coming through the ceiling, oh no. Streams of water coming down the walls, through our electrical panel, BAD. 

After only being with my family for 24 hours, my hubby flew back to Chicago to deal with the damage. I wanted to go with him, but we would have had to buy two whole new flights instead of just one and really, there was nothing that I could have done to help under the circumstances. So he left, and I was left feeling helpless and sad. We just bought this place. It's our first home, and we finally got everything put away, decorated the way we wanted and it was finally feeling like home. Like ours. And then this

So here's the thing, me a year ago would have been FREAKING OUT. I mean, having a full on panic attack. Sobbing for hours. Feeling sorry for myself for days on end. And don't get me wrong, I definitely was upset, and I shed a few tears. But because of all of the personal development I've been doing this past year, I was able to stay positive, and have been able to continue to do so. My Secret? It's oh so simple.

Instead of focusing on the bad, I choose to focus on the good.

Say that line out loud to yourself. Sounds easy, right? Well, it can be, but it takes dedication. You have to choose to practice Gratitude. If you have never done this before, it can sound super kitchy but I promise, it works, dude. This has been fundamental for my mental health and since living my daily life focusing on what I'm grateful for -- what's GOOD in my life -- the dark days haven't felt quite so dark.

So here's my challenge to you. To help you stay positive when shit hits the fan:

Carve out a few minutes every day and write down 5 things you're grateful for. Even better? Do it at the same time of day so that you make it a habit. I like doing it while I'm drinking my morning tea. Find what works for you and stick to it. Keep that list with you every day. I like using a little pocket journal that I bring everywhere with me. That way, when I need a reminder or when I'm feeling frustrated or upset, I have something positive to turn to.

Totally do-able, right? It takes so little time but is so impactful. 

Here are my 5 for this mess I'm in:

1. Our Unbelievable Support System. Our family & our friends have come to our aid in all of this in ways we never imagined. We are so lucky and so thankful.

2. My Husband. Seriously, this man is a fucking rockstar. He dealt with all of the bullshit and made sure that I didn't have to come home to a giant shit show. 

3. My Business. In the short month of being a Health Coach, it has filled me with so much light. My #StrongNotSkinny challenge started today and these girls are so ready to take on their goals and make positive changes in their lives. They are my constant inspiration and I am so happy to be a part of their journey.

4. My Health. I am so grateful that no matter what, I have an able body that allows me to move & be consistently strong. Working out and being active has been such a source of strength and positivity for me and no matter how bad my day is, a workout always makes it better.

5. Adventure. We may not have a home for a while, but it'll be an adventure right?! Couch surfing, living out of suitcases -- it'll be a story we will have for the rest of our lives.


So there you have it, folks. I hope that when your days are at their darkest, this will help you find the tiniest sliver of light. 

Xo, Amanda


Why I'm treating my Resolutions Differently This Year

For years and years, I have been the ultimate goal setter. You know that friend of yours that makes a bucket list for every year and even goes so far as to do it for every month within that year? What about that girl you know who lives off list after list? Well, that's me. Or at least, was me. 

I'm a recovering goal setter. Ever since I can remember, I've been making these lists of goals at the end of every year ...Things like: run a marathon, learn how to play the guitar, lose 10 pounds... whatever I think I need to be doing in order to better my life that particular year. And when I don't complete all of the items on my list, I feel like I've somehow failed myself. 

Most people I know don't follow through on their New Years Resolutions. By March, most people can't even remember what their resolutions were! And I think that if everybody were to really search their hearts for why they made a particular resolution in the first place, most people would likely say that they felt pressured to make a decision on something or their decision was based on something that they were unhappy about. Key example : I want to lose 10 pounds. So many people have a weight related NY resolution, and while getting healthy and getting back in shape can be a very positive decision, when a goal is made on a foundation of unhappiness and frustration, it is so much harder to want to achieve it. They focus on a number on the scale and when they implement workouts into their day, the focus is "I'm not good enough" or "Why won't the number on the scale get lower?" instead of "This is making me feel so amazing". 

So this year, instead of making a list of things to accomplish that I think I should be doing, I'm going to focus on a few small things that I can do that will hep me feel the way I want.

And for me, I want to feel:

Free      -      Grounded       -       Vibrant      -       Strong       -       Joy


So here are my resolutions for 2016. And this year, I choose to focus on doing things for myself that allow me to feel the way I want to feel. Here goes...

+ Reconnect with my childhood self. Paint, color, play make believe, climb trees & make up stories.

+ Move my body everyday in a way that makes me feel strong, grounded and energized. I've tried every kind of exercise under the sun and I've found that I feel most alive when I am on the yoga mat or doing strength training, so I'll be focusing more on that this year!

+ Travel somewhere I've never been before. I love the feeling of exploring new places and cultures. I'm such a travel bug and I am craving a beautiful adventure.

+ Live in the now. Let go of the past. Be present, mindful and say YES to new adventures. 


I urge you, nay, I DARE you to set your goals this year based on how you want to FEEL. You'll be amazed at what a difference it makes in what you put to paper. So...don't be shy, sharing is caring! Post your 2016 Goals in the comments below!

Top Three Podcasts for Self-Love & General Badass-ery



Cat's out of the bag. I've got a confession to make....  I am a Podcast Junkie. 

I know, I know. I'm late to the podcast train. I'm sure all of you are thinking, seriously Amanda? You're just now understanding the awesomeness that is a podcast? (And if you're not thinking these things, then PREPARE FOR YOUR LIFE TO BE FOREVER CHANGED AFTER READING THIS). Well, in short. Yes. Yes I am just discovering this. And let me tell you, in the past month of being exposed to this art form, my life has changed in incredible ways. 

Now I know you're thinking...but there are so many options out there!!! How in God's name am I going to sift through all of the shit to find the hidden treasure?!!?!?!?! First off, take a deep breath, it's gonna be okay. You've come to the right place. Because chances are, if you're reading this (and have been reading my previous blog posts), you know that I'm all about authenticityself-love and being a general badass. Sound like you too? Then man oh man do I have some podcasts for you. This shit is incredible. So get ready for these to Rock. Your. World.

Here they are folks... Hold onto your hats.


1. The Joy Junkie

Amy E. Smith runs this podcast, with the help of her co-host, Mr. Smith (her down to earth and incredibly goofy hubby). She is a certified life coach and former actor who is unapologetically herself, which is probably why I love listening to her so much. She focuses her podcasts on positive self-talklearning how to love yourself, and how to be authentically YOU. She's sassy. She's confident. She's hilarious. She's REAL. Basically, I'm obsessed with her and I feel like she's speaking directly to me in every single episode. Chances are, you will too.

Who Would Click with This?

Women who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves. Anyone who finds dirty jokes amusing. Women searching to "find their voice". Actors. Anyone looking to live a badass joy-filled life.

Listen To

+How to Stop Talking Shit to Yourself

+ Becoming Badass: 5 Ways to Stand the Fuck Up For Yourself

2. Your Kick-Ass Life with Andrea Owen

Holy shit do I love this lady. Andrea Owen is a 40-something year old mom with two kids who has been through a lot in her life & she isn't afraid to share everything and anything with her listeners. She's honest & she's incredibly passionate about living life without apologizing for who she is. I actually discovered Amy E. Smith of The Joy Junkie by listening to Your Kick-Ass Life because guess what? They're best friends (and they only came into each others lives when they both started living authentically as themselves instead of living a life focused on constantly pleasing others and forming into the "average mold" that society has trained us to fall into). She's an award winning author and just a beautiful spirit who has been through hell and back again. It's so encouraging to hear that no matter where you are in life, living authentically is possible.

Who Would Click with This?

Perfectionists. Moms. Anyone who deals with anxiety. People who love a good laugh. Women who are afraid to live the life they were meant to live. 

Listen To

+How To Be A Badass

+What Perfectionism and a Shit Sandwich Have in Common

+You Are Enough

3. The Lively Show

I don't know how I just discovered Jess Lively but I am so glad that I did. She's this adorable Midwestern girl that is all about living life with valued based intentions & listening to her is an absolute delight. Every Thursday I have a date with her podcast & it has quickly become a weekly staple of mine. She always has such incredible people on her show to interview and I find myself nodding my head along with every episode and screaming "Yes!" to so much of what is being said. I just CLICK with her content and I love how much she mixes things up and appeals to such a diverse network of topics. Check her out - you won't be disappointed.

Who Would Click with This?

Anyone wanting to start a new business/small business owners, Creative people, Couples, Bloggers, Foodies.

Listen To

+Curiosity, Epic Self-Compassion, & Creativity

+How To Eat Intuitively During the Holidays

I hope these bring as much joy to your life as they have brought to mine. I encourage you to really listen and absorb what these women have to say. You'll be amazed at what bringing this form of thought into your life will do to increase the positivity and joy in your day to day life.


You still here...? What're you waiting for? Get your podcast ON!

The Cookie to win all Potlucks

Holy wow, how is Christmas next week? Is it just me or do you feel like it literally snuck up on us more than usual this year. Normally, I've got a countdown going starting in November, and I'm listening to Christmas songs wayyyy earlier than any normal human being should. For reals, guys, Christmas is my holiday. I get just giddy thinking about it.

But for some reason, this season thus far has felt really different. And I've been thinking a lot about why that's the case. For one, the weather has been so out of whack here in Chicago. It has snowed once and it was over a month ago, so I don't feel like that really counts. And it has been unusually warm. I seriously keep thinking it's November. Nope, definitely December, Amanda. Definitely December. Also, I feel like I normally have had holiday parties to attend and Christmas-y get togethers and so far this year, I haven't really had one. [No, this is not me throwing myself a pity party, it's just the cold hard facts. People are slacking on the Christmas parties up in my hood! What's a girl gotta do to have a reason to break out the tacky Christmas sweaters with the pompoms on them? *Le Sigh*]

So yeah, long story short, it has just not felt like Christmas. 

And I was getting really bummed out about it all. But here's the thing. Christmas/Channukah/Kwanza/whatever you may celebrate isn't about the parties you go to or the snowstorm that comes your way. It's about a feeling. A feeling that just doesn't seem to exist at any other time of the year. For me, it's this heart-fluttering-giant-smiles-giving-warm-fuzzy-joy-feeling inside my soul. And goddamnit I wanted that feeling!!

So, I blasted my Ella Fitzgerald Christmas cd, turned on the Christmas lights, got Christmas cookies baking in the oven and got all of my presents wrapped. And there was that feeling.

So, I guess all of this is to say that if your life isn't bringing you the holiday warm and fuzzies, make them appear. You know what makes you giddy, so do those things and give yourself some holiday lovin'. You deserve it.

OK, now for the Good Stuff.


I love these cookies. They are so healthy and a constant hit at any and all potlucks I attend. People have no clue that they're eating a cookie that is good for them AND delicious! Bonus? They literally take 5 minutes to make, easy, peasy, cookie!


2 bananas

1 cup oats

1/4 tsp vanilla

1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (or 1 tsp cinnamon & 1/4 tsp nutmeg)

Dark chocolate

Optional: walnuts 


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. In large bowl, mash bananas until consistency is smooth

3. Stir in oats until completely mixed together

4. Add pumpkin spice and vanilla and mix until it is evenly covered. Then add dark chocolate chunks/chips and optional walnuts and do the same.

5. Using a tablespoon, spoon cookie mix onto a cookie sheet

6. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until cookie is baked to your desire! 


Asian Inspired Veggie Medley

I have been on an Asian food kick lately -- well, really all my life I guess, but for the past few years, I didn't really think I could incorporate Asian food into my diet in a healthy way {other than stirfry, but let's be honest, a girl gets tired of stirfry after a while, am I right?}

When  I was a kid, we did take out once a week, every Friday night. It was our family night (something I plan on incorporating into my family when we have kids of our own) & I looked forward to it every week. We would order from this little hole in the wall Chinese restaurant and I would fill my tummy with plain lo mein noodles, beef & broccoli and chicken wings. All, of course, while playing a very intense round of Sorry, Clue or whichever board game we were obsessed with at the time.

And while I am all for takeout every once in a while {the past few years, I have become a huge Indian food fan. Holy wow their veggie entrees are amazeballs}, when I started becoming more conscious of my health, I was so taken back by the lack of nutritional value found in Chinese food. So, for a long time into my quest towards a healthier me, I stuck to very simple clean meals. Boiled or baked chicken, steamed vegetables, the occasional brown rice or quinoa. But guess what? Turns out eating like that gets old FAST, and I've learned that eating healthy doesn't mean eating boring foods. It has actually opened up a world of spice and unique blends of ingredients that have changed my world and my relationship to food.

For all of my Chinese foods lovers (and veggie/vegan heads), this might be the recipe for you.

Asian Inspired Veggie Medley

Makes 2 servings


- 2/3 of Cooked quinoa 

- 4 big handfuls of brussel sprouts, ends cut off and chopped in half (in my opinion, you can never have enough)

- 1/2 head of a small red cabbage, sliced 

- 2 tbsp. Sesame oil

- 1 tbsp. Rice vinegar

- 1 tsp. Tamari (a lower sodium version of Soy Sauce)

- Optional: Any other veggies you love (ex. water chestnuts, shredded carrots), Extra firm Tofu, sesame seeds


Heat 1 tbsp of Sesame oil in a skillet on medium to medium high heat. {If using tofu, press the water out of it by using a paper towel and applying pressure. Then cut into cubes and sear in skillet until brown on both sides}. If you're not using tofu, toss the brussel sprouts into the skillet for 5-7 minutes.

Meanwhile, have your quinoa cooking in a separate pot. My personal preference for cooking it? Add uncooked quinoa and double the amount of water into a small pot. Turn on high heat until it reaches a boil & then put heat to low and cover until water is gone (usually about 7-10 minutes).

In a separate bowl, add remaining sesame oil, rice vinegar and tamari.

Once the brussel sprouts have started to brown, add the red cabbage (and any optional additional veggies). Let cook for 2 minutes before adding remainder of the sauce. Let simmer until vegetables are cooked to your liking. Personally, I like them not to lose all of their crunch so I let it go for 3-5 minutes more.  If you're feeling fun, sprinkle some sesame seeds overtop of the medley the last minute that they are cooking!

In a bowl, place 1/3 cup cooked quinoa and half of the veggies and VOILA, you've got a nutritious & delicious Asian inspired meal!



Five Simple Ways To Boost Your Health Everyday

1. Spend time in Nature - Are you ever having a bad day and then you walk outside and immediately, your heart feels just a little less heavy? I know that for me, being in nature gives me a sense of peace that I can't feel anywhere else. And bonus? You're usually getting your heart rate up from exploring or just walking to work! Plus, studies show that people who spend more time in nature are significantly less stressed & happier than the average person!

2. Laughter - I don't know about you but for me, laughter really is the best medicine. My entire soul is on FIRE when I'm getting a good laugh in and for me, that usually involves an unreasonably large smile, having a hard time breathing and some very strange sounds exiting my mouth. So watch a funny movie, spend time with friends that make you giggle, do something that makes you laugh so hard you can't control yourself. Not only will your brain get a shot of endorphins, but your abs will get a good workout too!

3. Do A Crossword Puzzle  - I am a total Crossword nerd. I love them. My Sunday morning ritual always involves attempting the NYT Crossword. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment, but I just can't stop! And guess what? Doing a mentally challenging activity like that is good for you! In fact, studies have shown that people who do less of these activities tend to have earlier brain degeneration. So do a crossword, read a good book or get your Sudoku on!

4. Have Good Posture - This one is so simple to accomplish and yet so many people go through their days without good posture. I know I always have to remind myself to sit up straight! It's so so important to help promote the flow of energy in your body so try to stand a little bit taller. You'll be amazed at the difference you feel!

5. Eat A Healthy Breakfast - The best thing you can do to get your metabolism going for the day? Eat your breakfast! It always amazes me how many people I meet that don't eat breakfast on the daily. Eating breakfast is key to leading a healthy lifestyle. It sets you up for success each day (so you don't hit that 10:00 slump where you need to eat anything and everything you see) & it gives you a kick in the pants to start your day with! 


Start implementing these five simple things into your day to day life and you will find yourself leading a happier & healthier life in no time.