self quarantine

Episode #86: A Conversation Around How To Navigate Life Amidst The Corona Pandemic with Rachel Wright


Today’s episode is different than anything I’ve ever shared on the podcast.

This past week has been tumultuous for all of us. We’re experiencing a pandemic. Something we’ve never had to navigate in our lifetime and it’s impacted ALL of us. Deeply.

So today, I brought on my dear friend and go-to source on all things mental health, psychotherapist Rachel Wright, to have a transparent and support-filled conversation In hopes that for even just one of you, you can feel less alone. Heard. Or maybe, just maybe, share a perspective with you that isn’t yours. That causes you to think outside of what you know and experience. And grow.

This is not a training, although we do share tools to help support you amidst all of this discomfort, fear, anxiety, loss, grief and beyond.

This is an invitation to a conversation around what you’re feeling amidst all of this. I hope you’ll join in.