
Episode #134: I'm Addicted To You Don't You Know That You're Toxic Monogamy Culture

I’ve been sharing more and more about toxic monogamy culture and it’s been a super polarizing subject. For many, they outright deny that it could even be a thing. For others, it’s been a massive lightbulb a-ha moment where everything starts to make sense about why they’ve felt so much resistance for so long. And other folks are like F*CK YESSSS THANK YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT THIS IT’S SUCH A THING AND NOBODY DOES!

It’s a lot to navigate through — the responses, the emotions and our own unique response when we’re met with the idea of toxic monogamy culture in the first place — and I get it! It was A LOT for me to wrap my head around too when I started unpacking it in my own life. So today, we’re deep diving into this incredibly important topic and getting into the juicy details once and for all.

Things I cover in todays episode:

  • how me just being who I am is in and of itself polarizing for so many folks

  • compulsory heteronormativity & monogamy

  • approaching life from a lens of curiosity

  • how toxic monogamy culture is possible in monogamy AND polyamory

  • my perspective on monogamy as a whole

  • WTF toxic monogamy actually is

  • The relationship escalator

  • Some prime examples of how toxic monogamy shows up in relationships

Episode #123: I Spent Years Hiding | A Solo Episode


In todays solo episode, Amanda candidly shares about her pattern of hiding — something she’s been actively working on in therapy for the past few years.

She deep dives into the ways in which she’s hidden in her life — via her years of eating disorder cycles, hiding her goofy self because of her years of being bullied all the way to hiding her sexuality and propensity to polyamory.

Wanna know how to fully embody your fuck yes self? Breaking the pattern of hiding is a crucial step. So let’s deep dive into this emotionally raw episode and bring the tissues — you may need them. She certainly did.


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Amanda’s Instagram | Website

Amanda’s book, I Chopped Off My Tits

1:1 coaching with Amanda — I am accepting 1-2 new coaching clients for 2021. Apply here to set up an initial call to see if this work together is a good fit.

Join her email list & get access to her fears & feels embodiment playlists

Episode #110: The Happiest Season? Not So Happy After All | A Solo Episode


I was so excited to watch this movie. So excited. A holiday rom com center in around a queer couple on a major network AND one with many queer voices and folx behind the scenes? After a long and hard week, I was SO ready to get in my cozies, soak up the Christmas tree and have my big ol’ bi heart feel seen and get into the holiday spirit.

And instead of experiencing the feel good beautiful holiday love story I was so ready to receive, I spent almost the entirety of the movie feeling triggered, angry and frustrated. And also openly weeping because so much of this story depicted aspects of my own journey as a queer and polyamorous human and damn, was it hard for me to watch. 

I deep dive into this at length in todays of the Live Your F*ck Yes Life podcast, but here are the Coles notes (YES I mean Coles and not Cliffs. Y’all Americans took that shit from us Canadians and repurposed it and COLES CAME FIRST BITCHES).

For one — and this is MAJOR and damn am I so tired of it — there were hardly any BIPOC on screen (god forbid a main character — we need to do better) or any representation of body diversity — ‘cause all queer folx are obviously thin *rolls eyes* This movie centered around privilege in more ways than I know how to count and while it’s true that these experiences reflect *some* of the LGBTQ+ experience, it is not the norm BY ANY MEANS. It’s 2020. We need to do better.

Moving beyond those very deeply important things, this movie, as sooo many rom coms have been for years, was, in my opinion (and take that with whatever grain of salt ‘cause I can only ever speak from my own experiences and my understanding of this work from years of therapy and research ‘cause I’m a communication and relationship dynamics nerd), fraught with SO many problematic relationship dynamics: 

To name a few that I speak deeper around in todays episode:

  • intense lack of consent

  • emotional abuse that gets rewarded

  • bullying on SO many levels

  • divorce-shaming

  • homophobic parents who magically change their mind overnight

…and that’s just scratching the surface. 

And that can…all be, I suppose, downplayed because “it’s just a story! aren’t all rom coms or cheesy holiday movies like this?” or “at least there’s representation!” — I stand by this one for sure, and I know many lesbians and LGBTQ+ humans who are grateful for this piece of it so HELL YEAH, at least we got a minor win there. But for gods sake, the LGBTQ+ community is not new. We’ve been around for a fucking LONG time. We’ve been kept in the closet. Navigated so much of the shame and triggering experiences around coming out and it’s exhausting. This movie is, in my opinion, not for the queers — as it has been marketed to us for months. I honestly don’t know who it’s for. 

I’ve spent the last few days speaking with MANY of you in my DMs on Instagram and have been ruminating on my thoughts and after almost a hundred of you asked me to do an episode around my feelings, I knew I needed to turn on the mic. 

So head on over to todays episode of the pod to hear my deeper thoughts and feelings around this, and some personal anecdotes of my own life that I’ve never shared before.

I’d love to hear your thoughts after you listen. We’ll be talking more about this in the NEW Live Your F*ck Yes Life patreon private Facebook group too so if you’re a member (or hop in and become a new member, I’ll see you in there!

And for all of my fellow LGBTQ+ — no matter what your experiences or where you’re at in your own coming out journeys — I see you. I love you. You are so fucking enough. 


Live Your F*ck Yes Life Community — become a Patreon!

Live Your F*ck Yes Life Virtual Summit — replay access

Episode 100 - This Is Pride: We’re Here and We’re Queer

The Happiest Season on Hulu

Feel Good - watch on Netflix


1:1 coaching with Amanda — I am accepting 2-3 new coaching clients come Jan 2021. Apply here to set up an initial call to see if it’s a good fit.

Amanda’s Instagram | Website

Amanda’s book, I Chopped Off My Tits

Join her email list & get access to her fears & feels embodiment playlists